Yet another assumption you have made that turns out to be incorrect. You question my assessment of your character yet you have viciously and publicly attacked your council. By naming the RM to which you belong you might as well have just called them out by name and called them all unethical. I would tend to call what you're doing slander and is that what a reputable and respectful person would do? You're not the only one who can research and find out facts. And possibly I found this thread by accident and it drew my attention and the only way to comment is to sign up. This was not intended to become a pissing match about who knows more about what - you asked for opinions and I gave mine. Too bad they weren't the ones you were looking for I guess. And I also have letters behind my name but I don't use them to claim that I am any smarter than my peers. Respect is earned not demanded. Might get you farther. Good luck to you in your search for answers. This will be my last post.
God Bless You
God Bless You