Ted is very very 'Smart'. Ted is proud of what he has done with Bills 19, 36 and 50. Ted and Doug are much smarter than those who farm, own private property... and believe their government must intervene and stop or direct new 'development' in the future... here in Alberta.
"In short, we need a plan" says Ted....
Ted/Dougs Plan 1. Overbuild overhead Powerlines we can't afford... that will help destroy our local rural communities... to export excess electrical power we do not have; to the US.
Ted says his governement took our "advice"... and "This balanced approach has been widely supported by Albertans".
2. The best Ag farmland in Alberta will be used for 'Human' developments... while environmental easements (Environmental Goods and Services) will protect 'Wildlife' habitat and marginal land for 'Biodiversity' purposes. Consequences of a Ted/Doug Balanced approach.
Plan #3 Ted and Doug's 'Smart' government plan proceeds to systematically pull APART and destroy rural Alberta communities and services that are required... These two insist hiring government bureaucrats in Edmonton will save our farms and rural communities. Result: About 180 percent increase in costs to make these land use plans... and 120 percent increase to back it up with government services. Rural communities are starved of finances... to fund the 'Plan'.
Do we get value for our money... ???
Here is what Ted and Doug show say...
"In the last 25 years, Alberta’s population has grown by over a million people, from 2.3 million in 1985 to more than 3.6 million today. The pressures of this growth are seen everywhere in Alberta. More people mean more activities on the land and a corresponding increase in industrial activities. There is more recreational activity, oil and gas development, agricultural production, and forestry activity on the land.
Albertans have seen the impact of this growth and recognized that we have reached a tipping point. We require a more balanced approach that integrates economic, environmental, and social objectives. In short, we need a plan.
The Land-use Framework and ALSA were designed and implemented to meet this need.
ALSA enables the establishment of seven planning regions congruent with Alberta’s major watersheds and rural municipal boundaries, and requires a plan for each region. Regional plans will consider the combined impact of all activities on the land, air, water and biodiversity, and will be developed with advice from Albertans. Regional plans will integrate provincial energy, environment, water and other policies at the regional level.
The purpose of ALSA and regional planning is to facilitate smart economic growth – not stop it. ALSA reflects social and environmental factors, protects property rights and upholds local decision-making. This balanced approach has been widely supported by Albertans.
Albertans deserve a responsible, forward-thinking government that properly plans for tomorrow – the Alberta Land Stewardship Act will be one of our most important tools to achieve this."
So the Ted/Doug "Department of Stewardship" is Ted Morton's special invention... with the help of hundreds of his high paid friends in high places. This department has no plan to save one acre of productive farm land. Instead it will push industrial development on the best farm land... because 'development' of poor agricultural land will destroy 'Biodiversity' and require $millions in costs to save the 'wildlife' that mainly is on this "poorer" ag land. We will be knee deep in: Ducks, Geese, Elk, Moose, Deer, Gophers, Rabbits, Mice, Grasshoppers, and Beavers...
And anything else that the Bio Diversity/Environmental people think up....to help turn the ALBERTA clock back to 'Pre-Settlement' virgin prairie.
Then there is the plan... to put a value on water.... once we have a bad drought and can be convinced to pay for our water!
"Commodity Marketing' at its finest... according to Teds buddies!
If the AB Gov. can regulate it... they can make it into a "Market Driven" commodity!
"In short, we need a plan" says Ted....
Ted/Dougs Plan 1. Overbuild overhead Powerlines we can't afford... that will help destroy our local rural communities... to export excess electrical power we do not have; to the US.
Ted says his governement took our "advice"... and "This balanced approach has been widely supported by Albertans".
2. The best Ag farmland in Alberta will be used for 'Human' developments... while environmental easements (Environmental Goods and Services) will protect 'Wildlife' habitat and marginal land for 'Biodiversity' purposes. Consequences of a Ted/Doug Balanced approach.
Plan #3 Ted and Doug's 'Smart' government plan proceeds to systematically pull APART and destroy rural Alberta communities and services that are required... These two insist hiring government bureaucrats in Edmonton will save our farms and rural communities. Result: About 180 percent increase in costs to make these land use plans... and 120 percent increase to back it up with government services. Rural communities are starved of finances... to fund the 'Plan'.
Do we get value for our money... ???
Here is what Ted and Doug show say...
"In the last 25 years, Alberta’s population has grown by over a million people, from 2.3 million in 1985 to more than 3.6 million today. The pressures of this growth are seen everywhere in Alberta. More people mean more activities on the land and a corresponding increase in industrial activities. There is more recreational activity, oil and gas development, agricultural production, and forestry activity on the land.
Albertans have seen the impact of this growth and recognized that we have reached a tipping point. We require a more balanced approach that integrates economic, environmental, and social objectives. In short, we need a plan.
The Land-use Framework and ALSA were designed and implemented to meet this need.
ALSA enables the establishment of seven planning regions congruent with Alberta’s major watersheds and rural municipal boundaries, and requires a plan for each region. Regional plans will consider the combined impact of all activities on the land, air, water and biodiversity, and will be developed with advice from Albertans. Regional plans will integrate provincial energy, environment, water and other policies at the regional level.
The purpose of ALSA and regional planning is to facilitate smart economic growth – not stop it. ALSA reflects social and environmental factors, protects property rights and upholds local decision-making. This balanced approach has been widely supported by Albertans.
Albertans deserve a responsible, forward-thinking government that properly plans for tomorrow – the Alberta Land Stewardship Act will be one of our most important tools to achieve this."
So the Ted/Doug "Department of Stewardship" is Ted Morton's special invention... with the help of hundreds of his high paid friends in high places. This department has no plan to save one acre of productive farm land. Instead it will push industrial development on the best farm land... because 'development' of poor agricultural land will destroy 'Biodiversity' and require $millions in costs to save the 'wildlife' that mainly is on this "poorer" ag land. We will be knee deep in: Ducks, Geese, Elk, Moose, Deer, Gophers, Rabbits, Mice, Grasshoppers, and Beavers...
And anything else that the Bio Diversity/Environmental people think up....to help turn the ALBERTA clock back to 'Pre-Settlement' virgin prairie.
Then there is the plan... to put a value on water.... once we have a bad drought and can be convinced to pay for our water!
"Commodity Marketing' at its finest... according to Teds buddies!
If the AB Gov. can regulate it... they can make it into a "Market Driven" commodity!