There are many cultures thatnon their own way,
are successful according to their own
benchmarks. Castro would argue that EVERY
citizen receive their equal annual allotment of
beans. Russians enjoy their daily allotment of
vodka.The Saudis live by their Sharia law...
Nothing else is as important as it is.
But nor are they MY culture. They are foreign to
Compared to the rest of the world, cott, you are
plain rich. And yes, there is an economic tide
coming in, but you have land , which always
retains it's value. As long as you head into high
tide without unreasonable debt, bad credit , and
high expectations, you will swim.
There is not one farmer or person in ag reading
this post, who does not know how to cut back,
make do, work hard and hang tough.
That's quite the gang, folks. Quite the gang of
know-how's. . Pars
are successful according to their own
benchmarks. Castro would argue that EVERY
citizen receive their equal annual allotment of
beans. Russians enjoy their daily allotment of
vodka.The Saudis live by their Sharia law...
Nothing else is as important as it is.
But nor are they MY culture. They are foreign to
Compared to the rest of the world, cott, you are
plain rich. And yes, there is an economic tide
coming in, but you have land , which always
retains it's value. As long as you head into high
tide without unreasonable debt, bad credit , and
high expectations, you will swim.
There is not one farmer or person in ag reading
this post, who does not know how to cut back,
make do, work hard and hang tough.
That's quite the gang, folks. Quite the gang of
know-how's. . Pars