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3 economic doomsaying experts

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    There are many cultures thatnon their own way,
    are successful according to their own
    benchmarks. Castro would argue that EVERY
    citizen receive their equal annual allotment of
    beans. Russians enjoy their daily allotment of
    vodka.The Saudis live by their Sharia law...
    Nothing else is as important as it is.

    But nor are they MY culture. They are foreign to

    Compared to the rest of the world, cott, you are
    plain rich. And yes, there is an economic tide
    coming in, but you have land , which always
    retains it's value. As long as you head into high
    tide without unreasonable debt, bad credit , and
    high expectations, you will swim.

    There is not one farmer or person in ag reading
    this post, who does not know how to cut back,
    make do, work hard and hang tough.

    That's quite the gang, folks. Quite the gang of
    know-how's. . Pars


      Parsley: If one lived north of a certain latitude, were lazy or had little work ethic, one never survived. Or worse yet, socialism took care of those.


        You,ve noticed, 'work or freeze' can stem from a
        cold clime! You've probably been out there
        slugging once to often in forty below; perhaps
        that's how a solid work culture is formed.

        We spent almost a month in NYC and they bustle;
        a phenomena to behold; like an anthill, as if one
        automatically triggers the other to hustle; a work
        and excellence contagion that sweeps through the

        Your children watch you during harvest, or calving
        season, or seeding time; and absorb your sense
        of urgency to get the job finished, to be
        productive, that will stay with them always.
        Agriculture does it well. Pars


          On the other hand, farmaholic, look at the
          Angliosphere software 2009 chart. The countries
          arent climate identical. What makes a specific
          group of countries computer oriented? Chance?

          What makes a group of countries production
          oriented? Look at the top company charts.

          What makes a group of countries invent and
          enjoy air conditioned tractors?(You'd expect the
          Sudan to invent air conditioning!)

          Climate is merely one factor that builds a
          successful culture. Pars


            Why has the west been as economically
            successful as it has? The Christian foundation of
            our society. Borrowing against another's future
            earnings is a relatively recent phenomenon, which
            violates the Christian work ethic. Our culture's
            straying from our roots is becoming our biggest
            Don't want to be preachy, but our ancestors work
            ethic is pretty clearly explained in 2 Thessalonians
            3:6-13 (NIV)

            "[6] In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we
            command you, brothers, to keep away from every
            brother who is idle and does not live according to
            the teaching you received from us. [7] For you
            yourselves know how you ought to follow our
            example. We were not idle when we were with
            you, [8] nor did we eat anyone’s food without
            paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night
            and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not
            be a burden to any of you. [9] We did this, not
            because we do not have the right to such help,
            but in order to make ourselves a model for you to
            follow. [10] For even when we were with you, we
            gave you this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall
            not eat.” [11] We hear that some among you are
            idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. [12]
            Such people we command and urge in the Lord
            Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread
            they eat. [13] And as for you, brothers, never tire
            of doing what is right."


              Parsley, I see a lot of back slapping going on but, I don't for one minute believe that the Oriental culture doesn't have a very strong work ethic. Go to some western Canadian Universities and check out who is at the top of the class. Go to Vancouver look around. My much earlier post wasn't saying that we would speak Mandarin, but that they would have a definite influence on our culture. On another point I would say that work ethic in the west is being eroded by a sense of entitlement. Hopefully we are in the middle of a reality check right now.


                pgluca, I agree that the far eastern work ethic is
                admirable. Vietnam and Singapore and Hong
                Kong and Japan and china are truly Clydesdales
                pulling their work loads.

                But in my HO, hard work is not the only
                determinant that brings a high standard of living.
                Political systems make a difference. Customs
                make a difference. Intelligence makes a
                difference. Many factors! Religion can make a
                difference, Farm Ranger contends. Rather timely
                comment for me , because I am reading a 1950
                published book named Totem Poles written by
                Marius Barbeau. It describes and depicts all the
                totem poles, house posts and frontals and the
                grave pillars of BC and Alaska and the folk tales
                and mythology that the Haida artists based their
                work on. The Immaculate and Conception
                themes, as are also the themes of Bear Mother,
                the Dragon, Orpheus, Raven and so on.

                Spirituality can do many things...define, enhance,
                guide, limit, enslave, and so on. It isn't the only
                factor in development though, is it ? Pars.

                I sure opened up a big can of soup didn't I? LOL.
                I should know better, pgluca, LOL.


                  pgluca, I wonder if we don't need to backslap
                  every once in awhile and appreciate what we
                  have and who we are.

                  Would you trade places with any other culture in
                  the world? Whom? Hah! Spring fever tag. You're
                  it. Pars


                    Oddly it is the immigrant worker who is satisfied working anywhere. It is our own spoiled brats who would rather sit in their parents basement playing online video games all night making them too tired to get up the next morning to go to the same job the immigrant is taking.

                    Every parent wants it better for their children than what they had. How much higher can the bar be raised? Has anyone been to kids birthday parties these days? Vehicles bought for them as soon as they have a license to drive. One maybe two hot holidays a year and school doesn't seem to get in the way of that either. Run from one activity to the next or quitting half way through because they don't want to do it anymore.

                    Parsley: I agree farm kids at one time probably had a better work ethic but I don't know if I can say the same for the current batch. Lifestyle between urban and rural isn't that dramatically different anymore. If the kid isn't made to do anything they(few) won't look for anything either. I can only hope that maybe, just maybe, my example will have an influence, ultimately it is up to them.

                    Boy talk about off topic, Sorry.


                      farmaholic, I agree all parents want their children
                      to be 'better off' than their parents. Washing
                      machines come to mind. Ipads. I know many
                      people who are rich but not spoiled.

                      But teaching children to earn their toys , as
                      opposed to simply buying the kids the toys...ah!
                      there's the catch.................

                      Doesn't the true meaning of both earning and
                      non-entitlement stem from the word, "No"? As
                      you well what know parenting demands, you
                      probably say it often. Pars


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