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canola- good news

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    locked in at 11 dollars,profit,happy,not
    losing sleep.


      Maybe, just maybe, when the new pipelines
      aren't pumpin crude and bitumen in the
      future, they could pump canolie oil. Oh
      wait, I fergot, Comedia has no capacity to
      crush that much stuff, never will.
      Comedians are drawers of water and woodie
      carvers, we don't want capacity. Sell it
      as fast as ya kin, grabbed the cash and
      runaway ta the bank, squirrel it......


        Those interesting guys that are talked about are the penny profit guys. Forever at the table, and can never get their fill which describes most farmers which describes why grain buyers will always be in control.

        Sheesh, Charliep, I thought you drove for show, and putted for dough!!


          And when global monetary supply expands by a
          factor of 3 in 4 years you should?


            drive long?
            put short?


              @ free wheat... If you have your COP
              locked in, and I know you are in a wet
              area, so your yeild should almost be
              guaranteed, you say you have good CI
              coverage,AOG contract, pluss $14 canola,
              what are you worried about???I have
              never sold $14 canola in 45yrs.Yes I
              know your canola doesnt yeild as much as
              the hibrids but here in the south we get
              40-45 is a great crop 50 is a bin
              buster.Hind sight is 20 20. Dont second
              Guess, it will only cloud over a wise
              choice you made by pricing at 14.



                If you are second guessing your marketing on canola, just think what it would be like if the former cwb was doing it for you. That will make you feel your decisions are pure genius.

                You may also be looking a sub 10 canola by fall. Even the experts don't know.

                Well done.


                  My 2011 crop is all sold and hauled. Avergae price $12.05. Todays price is $13.21, am I sad. Not one bit Net per acre on canola this year was an all time record for this farm. Holding out for top price has never worked for me. As the saying goes "The bulls make money, the bears make money, and the pigs get slaughtered."


                    If you have heard Moe Agostino at a marketing class, he is correct AGAIN this year, best historical prices are AFTER Feb, usually June 1st, 9 out of 10 years.
                    Darn wish I had the nerve NOT to price in Dec - Jan! The scary Greece- Euro stuff bought a lot of canola. As others say seemed right at the time.

                    Heard Mike Jubinvile in Wadena on Tuesday,and he admitted that he never saw the rally in Feb coming. He sold out old crop canola on Jan 3.


                      Freewheat: No exactly what you mean. I am always pissed when that price goes up and I have sold. It just hit me yesterday, now I probably will have to be pissed at myself twice as much, if I market my wheat to. It is going to be hard calling myself those names that I was calling the CWB!!!


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