Mid January of this year it was posted "But without public disclosure and a request for offers its going to be very difficult to show that the taxpayers got anything approaching what this property might be worth."
The RM minutes of Jan 12/2012 have been adopted and indeed report that Blocks of lots were to be sold to Corus. The fact is that still the general public is ignorant of the deal that the RM made with Corus Land Holding Corp. No price mentioned; no terms and conditions if any; no public access to the contract as required by Sec 117 1 (a) of the Municipalities Act.
The council report submitted to the local papers didn't mention the motion; those in the gallery at the actual meeting totally missed the motion reported in the minutes.
But the good news is that lots have sold in the last three weeks; and have traded at $30,000 each down to a paltry $5000. (I haven't beeen able to determine the lot locations of a few properties yet).
And there were probably close to 20 lots involved so far. Corus also has an interest registered against another lot too.
And for those who think this is none of anyone's business; it just goes to show that my guess about "prime" real estate was not premature or unfounded. I hope that those who still have private property are aware or make themselves aware before they sell what they might believe is practically worthless. Its too bad that council doesn't appear to realize the full stategic value of being adjacent to the third north-south railline in western Canada; the value of a townsite; and streets and lanes; and particularly what such public land is worth. If Council is up to speed; then maybe this knowledge should be shared with the people who "own" the asset.
As for the significant RM property which Council obviously believes still has not reached the stage where the Jan 12/2012 deal has been consummated; lets later compare how our elected officials stack up to $5000 to $30,000 and pending sale prices for adjacent lots.
Don't be fooled by the RM sale in what might be "Blocks"; and the prices quoted which are for individual "lots".
All things considered; there could be an argument that savvy entrepreneurs still have a chance to acquire some prime property....or not.
The RM minutes of Jan 12/2012 have been adopted and indeed report that Blocks of lots were to be sold to Corus. The fact is that still the general public is ignorant of the deal that the RM made with Corus Land Holding Corp. No price mentioned; no terms and conditions if any; no public access to the contract as required by Sec 117 1 (a) of the Municipalities Act.
The council report submitted to the local papers didn't mention the motion; those in the gallery at the actual meeting totally missed the motion reported in the minutes.
But the good news is that lots have sold in the last three weeks; and have traded at $30,000 each down to a paltry $5000. (I haven't beeen able to determine the lot locations of a few properties yet).
And there were probably close to 20 lots involved so far. Corus also has an interest registered against another lot too.
And for those who think this is none of anyone's business; it just goes to show that my guess about "prime" real estate was not premature or unfounded. I hope that those who still have private property are aware or make themselves aware before they sell what they might believe is practically worthless. Its too bad that council doesn't appear to realize the full stategic value of being adjacent to the third north-south railline in western Canada; the value of a townsite; and streets and lanes; and particularly what such public land is worth. If Council is up to speed; then maybe this knowledge should be shared with the people who "own" the asset.
As for the significant RM property which Council obviously believes still has not reached the stage where the Jan 12/2012 deal has been consummated; lets later compare how our elected officials stack up to $5000 to $30,000 and pending sale prices for adjacent lots.
Don't be fooled by the RM sale in what might be "Blocks"; and the prices quoted which are for individual "lots".
All things considered; there could be an argument that savvy entrepreneurs still have a chance to acquire some prime property....or not.