Sumdumguy, it can happen, if we expose how this program helps the lucky weather areas, people that do not or should not even need assistance getting 1,000,000 cheques as pars stated. It's really a simple formula if you had great weather and great crops the program will send you a welfare check if you have a loss. What taxpayer is gonna support that? So let's say now that next year prices for all grains hit the tank,that is the norm for all countries. Should taxpayers be on the hook to guarantee the next 4 years levels of this artificial coverage?
We don need to wait for an election. Get Market Place, W-5, BNN, your local radio and tv, all these tv reports informed, wouldn't take long for the public to realize this is in the leagues of a corruption scandal, when you see the corporate ventures that will only rent you land if you have a high margin, what translates into we will only rent to you if you are able to suck the most governmnet tax money.
A picture of a farmer and his family in Mexico on the beach while a check is waiting in the mailbox because he had 5 good weather years and his own money in the bank.
Another picture of a foot of water across the entire field swaths floating across the grid road and those working 2 jobs to save the farm, kids going without, and due to the formula no check in the mailbox but collector notices.
Show how that your income is based 90% on the weather and the program is bureaucraticly designed to sift through the last 10% of the factor, it's completely nuts.
Show how you have 5 years of great weather in huge margin, you hit your head on the airseeder and start seeding canola 3 inches deep, no worries you'll get your welfare check.
2 farmers side by side. Both environmentally and industry responsible people. To not encourage or spread disease such as clubroot etc, and as the experts say to not push rotations FARMER A seeds mostly canola, Farmer B seeds canary seed. The price of canola ends up 5 bucks a bushel, canary ends up 25 bucks a bushel. As it works out both these responsible good farmers have an average crop but for the program just because of rotation Farmer B now has 4 or 5 times the margin. Are these both good farmers? Which one is a better farmer? Doesn't matter, the one that lucked out on the canary has alot less worry than the one that seeded canola.
Now shouldn't there just be a program designed that if you get no rain or you get 40 inches of rain, frost, flood, etc that there is some simple insurance that actually covers basic costs only for a fair premium. One that is not bureaucratic heavy sifting through mounds and mounds of paper requiring hours and hours of work to determine that you have 1 bushel coverage difference than your neighbor. A program based on what actually happenned on your farm this year not on how lucky you were to pick the right crop on the right year, or be punished for disasters beyond your control, over 5 years past or 10 years past?
We don need to wait for an election. Get Market Place, W-5, BNN, your local radio and tv, all these tv reports informed, wouldn't take long for the public to realize this is in the leagues of a corruption scandal, when you see the corporate ventures that will only rent you land if you have a high margin, what translates into we will only rent to you if you are able to suck the most governmnet tax money.
A picture of a farmer and his family in Mexico on the beach while a check is waiting in the mailbox because he had 5 good weather years and his own money in the bank.
Another picture of a foot of water across the entire field swaths floating across the grid road and those working 2 jobs to save the farm, kids going without, and due to the formula no check in the mailbox but collector notices.
Show how that your income is based 90% on the weather and the program is bureaucraticly designed to sift through the last 10% of the factor, it's completely nuts.
Show how you have 5 years of great weather in huge margin, you hit your head on the airseeder and start seeding canola 3 inches deep, no worries you'll get your welfare check.
2 farmers side by side. Both environmentally and industry responsible people. To not encourage or spread disease such as clubroot etc, and as the experts say to not push rotations FARMER A seeds mostly canola, Farmer B seeds canary seed. The price of canola ends up 5 bucks a bushel, canary ends up 25 bucks a bushel. As it works out both these responsible good farmers have an average crop but for the program just because of rotation Farmer B now has 4 or 5 times the margin. Are these both good farmers? Which one is a better farmer? Doesn't matter, the one that lucked out on the canary has alot less worry than the one that seeded canola.
Now shouldn't there just be a program designed that if you get no rain or you get 40 inches of rain, frost, flood, etc that there is some simple insurance that actually covers basic costs only for a fair premium. One that is not bureaucratic heavy sifting through mounds and mounds of paper requiring hours and hours of work to determine that you have 1 bushel coverage difference than your neighbor. A program based on what actually happenned on your farm this year not on how lucky you were to pick the right crop on the right year, or be punished for disasters beyond your control, over 5 years past or 10 years past?