Somehow I feel some people think that its the farmers fault the governments of nations see fit to protect food production, the most vital commodity. For heavens sakes its not widgets!!! I seriously don't beleive any farmer is farming for the subsidy--THEY ARE NOT DESIGNED TO MAKE YOU MONEY!!!!
Once sound management practices and fiscal responsibility are out of the way, when disaster strikes, its not a question of good farmer poor farmer. But for those who consistantly underperform in good times and bad because of financial or production mismanagement whose fault is that? So if their numbers aren't working anymore, whose fault is that. The sad part is when responsible farmers get a series of disasters that drive their numbers into the toilet, that is a shame. But some would let them sink because it never stopped raining or the hot sun never stopped shining and their crops burnt or there was an early frost, you pick the event. Everyone else suckling on the Ag Tit wants to be paid but the fellow assuming all the risk is supposed to stand out there with his bare ass in the wind subject to what ever comes his way.
I am glad I live in a country that values its food producers.
Once sound management practices and fiscal responsibility are out of the way, when disaster strikes, its not a question of good farmer poor farmer. But for those who consistantly underperform in good times and bad because of financial or production mismanagement whose fault is that? So if their numbers aren't working anymore, whose fault is that. The sad part is when responsible farmers get a series of disasters that drive their numbers into the toilet, that is a shame. But some would let them sink because it never stopped raining or the hot sun never stopped shining and their crops burnt or there was an early frost, you pick the event. Everyone else suckling on the Ag Tit wants to be paid but the fellow assuming all the risk is supposed to stand out there with his bare ass in the wind subject to what ever comes his way.
I am glad I live in a country that values its food producers.