Charlie I have a plan and its working
like I thought only thing is I should
have purchase the extra 7 two years
back. Now you sit and wait. The new
super farm just picked up 26 more yea.
Funny thing were getting vibes in the
area, When the cat is in Calgary or
Toronto the mice will play. Im in a
great mood this morning lost a bid to a
young guy by 12 dollars an acre. Woop
Life goes on. If your having fun and
making money who cares.
But the topic is land values and super
corp farms.
If all sooner or later bail, our kids
will work for the corp and all the other
things associated with Rural life will
end. No Im no Socialist but why are
Brazil and Argentina seeing that all
this foreign ownership is not working.
Also guys like you Charlie would not be
needed with these super farms They have
their own.
Would I sell in a Large block or piece
it out. Im not selling Even if the last
sale was $2000 an acre (still havent
I still think in todays farming I would
sell in Pieces with no real estate. Way
more money to farmer.
Point in all this, If all liquidate and
corps farm. Food prices for every one go
up and all the added extra jobs are
gone! In our area the flood is
like I thought only thing is I should
have purchase the extra 7 two years
back. Now you sit and wait. The new
super farm just picked up 26 more yea.
Funny thing were getting vibes in the
area, When the cat is in Calgary or
Toronto the mice will play. Im in a
great mood this morning lost a bid to a
young guy by 12 dollars an acre. Woop
Life goes on. If your having fun and
making money who cares.
But the topic is land values and super
corp farms.
If all sooner or later bail, our kids
will work for the corp and all the other
things associated with Rural life will
end. No Im no Socialist but why are
Brazil and Argentina seeing that all
this foreign ownership is not working.
Also guys like you Charlie would not be
needed with these super farms They have
their own.
Would I sell in a Large block or piece
it out. Im not selling Even if the last
sale was $2000 an acre (still havent
I still think in todays farming I would
sell in Pieces with no real estate. Way
more money to farmer.
Point in all this, If all liquidate and
corps farm. Food prices for every one go
up and all the added extra jobs are
gone! In our area the flood is