Snow is just left in some tree lines and
ditches but the big run off is done.
Manitoba you dont have to worry about
getting our water this spring. Moving
equipment and starting to work on
Drills. Winter wheat is greening up
around Melville and North we were in
Canora yesterday. Yea its March 22. Hm
if its greening up here in Canada wont
ND and Montana and SD be way ahead.
Kansas is heading. So a funny cold snap
like a few years back can you say HM.
The stuff at Melville where we stopped
looks only good where thick snow. Id say
he will spray out and seed something
Seeding will be early if weather holds
but no earlier than 20th of April in our
parts. Thats a Month away.
ditches but the big run off is done.
Manitoba you dont have to worry about
getting our water this spring. Moving
equipment and starting to work on
Drills. Winter wheat is greening up
around Melville and North we were in
Canora yesterday. Yea its March 22. Hm
if its greening up here in Canada wont
ND and Montana and SD be way ahead.
Kansas is heading. So a funny cold snap
like a few years back can you say HM.
The stuff at Melville where we stopped
looks only good where thick snow. Id say
he will spray out and seed something
Seeding will be early if weather holds
but no earlier than 20th of April in our
parts. Thats a Month away.