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Marketing Horse Sh-t

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    Marketing Horse Sh-t

    Does anyone else out there in the
    framing world, feel the least bit tired
    of all the market crap flowing out to
    Comedian framers? It appears that
    farming well, and growing a nice crop,
    is taking a backseat ta the
    angribusiness frenzy that is currently
    upon us. Yas a dope if'n ya aint suckin
    up ta somebody in the industry, er hirin
    somebody ta suck fer ya it seems. Its
    the fast lane er no lane from hereon in
    me guesses. The current gobermont run
    cwb is towing the line 2 and blastin us
    wit more and more cornfusion*** I say
    fu=kem all, expecially the gobermont
    gurus whos got usinta this profit taking
    frenzied mess ta date!!!!!!

    Cheer up Burb, it could be worse, at least we have multiple wheat buyers rather than one monopoly buyer.
    A little worried about fertilizer though, but still optimistic for the industry as a whole. Farmers are a resilient and resourseful bunch.


      Too many of the "informed" dealing in, and
      working in, agriculture, view farmers as stupid.
      And they despise us. And even say so.

      Hold your own. With courtesy. Choose to deal
      with those who help YOU meet YOUR end game.
      Choose the partner who satisfies your

      A dedicted web page that shares farmer input on
      locational prices, company service, dealer
      conditions, satisfaction ratings and general
      marketing informtion is past due.

      A trusted webmaster, with a reticient mouth, and
      techy skills would be the ideal person to manage

      Getting organized to share information can save
      you grief, compare pricing and grading, prevent
      making the same mistake your neighbor made,
      compare service, and so on.

      Think about it. Pars


        Good advice Parsley. I would add to listen to what the customer is saying. Sometimes the customer says it through the price signals your local grain buyer offers, especially through basis signals. Sometimes the customer says it through the futrues market.

        I like to hear what the customer says diectly. We have had grassfed, hormone free beef for sale this winter and the interest has been phenominal. That's a message.

        I despise the consultants who prescribe expensive fertilizer recipes for and scoff when I remind them that weather risk can and likely will make their expensive recipe a joke.

        Burbert, just ignore the whirlwind. Have your own mission and identity and look for and attract the information and people that are right for you. Ignore the rest. Most of it is bullshit anyway.


          Read and refer back to what experts have said on different threads here. You will soon find out they know less than most farmers. But they talk both sides so it always look like they are right or smarter than most farmers.


            example: You have have good oats that you don't
            want to become feed oats for sale right off the
            combine. Checking the prices farmers pocketed
            for the grades offered,in different areas, availability of oats, and personnel service within
            your proximity, might make it worthwhile to truck
            a little further where oats are scarce. Also a
            good website would list finding truckers, their
            fees, and licensing specs.

            Good info would depend upon trustworthiness of
            person who runs the website. Pars


              You are offering a product people want to buy,
              Good timing! If you have excess, you might
              consider selling excess in our resort area.
              Cottage owners hunt for hormone-free meat. I
              have a few good recipes if you.....lol Pars


                There are so many snake oil sales businesses out there. I would have thought with the science, it would be getting better. It isn't. Micro nutrients are a great example. No science, just hype. 1 trial at best. The ads show CFIA data as confirmation the product works. Bullshit, it just shows its not a safety issue and isn't harmful. Ask for the LOCAL trial data and peer reviewed science. They'll skirt around it, cuz it doesn't exist.

                Burb, you don't have to do any marketing. Just sell 1/12th of your crop every month and you have duplicated the CWB. Only difference is take 10% off the top, go on vacation with it, rather than paying the mortgages of the people on Portage and Main in Winnipeg.


                  A matter of perspective. One persons
                  manure is another person's fertilizer.


                    But Charlie, manure and fertilizer work.


                      Albertie is open fer business. Ever heard
                      that before? Scammers and hucksters need
                      not worry, this slimey province embraces,
                      blows and sucks, come one come all.
                      Albertie framers love the challenges that
                      angribusiness is hittin us wit currently.
                      Why? Cousin wes progressive


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