5 guys here went together 5 years ago, went big
and hard fast. Seeded around 9000 first year last
year 14000 well last year one guy out this year 2
more out. One owner guy full time in the office 2
more owner farm workers on payroll plus one
non owner worker/mechanic, plus seasonal guys
and truckers. In my view the 4 year round
paychecks plus accountants ate up any potential
profits. Owners supplied machinery and were
paid near going custom rates. Also owners were
paid going rates for land rent.
and hard fast. Seeded around 9000 first year last
year 14000 well last year one guy out this year 2
more out. One owner guy full time in the office 2
more owner farm workers on payroll plus one
non owner worker/mechanic, plus seasonal guys
and truckers. In my view the 4 year round
paychecks plus accountants ate up any potential
profits. Owners supplied machinery and were
paid near going custom rates. Also owners were
paid going rates for land rent.