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Some one Explain the Pike management Land shares!

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    Hopper, you got it!


      Greg if you own most or all of your land
      and its paid for what is a 200000
      quarter going to effect your cash flow.
      THe answer is Nothing! So yea Im sure
      they all would have been picked up one
      way or another and for same dollar.
      My comment is this land is gone for 10
      years or more.
      Yes hopper your right on if accountants
      are farming their should be an
      investigation. Because this is BS if
      their is a huge payday for shit farming.
      Some one in Ottawa will wake up one day
      and BAM! all programs will end. THat
      will be around the time when we have our
      next down turn in AG! the land companies
      will be gone and yes some of us will not
      survive the down turn.



        About time actual farmers started talking about how this program is a bunch of bull.

        It's destroying more farm families and communities than it is helping. All sponsored by tax dollars.


          Looks like something we all agree on. How can it be addressed?


            If government is going to review(probe) Agristability it better also take a look at social welfare, workmans compensation and employment insurance, list any other social program you wish. I would venture a guess the abuse there would make the abuse in ag programs look like pocket change.


              Are you kidding! Million dollar payouts and there aren't just a few. What would any of those other programs say if someone starving got nothing and someone driving a porsche got a million?


                Follow the Money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                Something is funny!
                Pay way above area for land.
                Pay way above area for rent.
                Pay way above area for wages.
                Drive all new tractors drills combines
                grain carts etc, you get my drift.
                Produce no more than neighboring
                farmers. In most cases less.
                HM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yea use every
                plane custom sprayer around. full price.
                Something Im missing!
                AH the missing link is a govt program
                that pays huge payouts to those who use
                the system.


                  Oh yea Sell always a few quarters each
                  year to another land company for a little
                  more money than you paid to prove to
                  shareholders that its a money maker.


                    Do you guys really believe farming govt programs over the long term is viable, even if that was the case? Yikes. Another point is that many industries are analytical and scientific and environmentally dependent. Why do we think someone could not do these things commercially in Ag? Why do we think you have to be "born" farmer and they have to be your own assets to be adequate? Frankly, farms have been getting bigger since the 1930s and it is not going to stop. With the increasing avg age of Sask grower will the industry not need a influx of capital and management expertise? Are farms in S AMerica not 100,000 acres and why can that not be done here with good management? If someone quits farming tomorrow and becomes a manager are they less capable? Seems that we want to be capitalists until it comes to land ownership and then things have a socialistic hint. Just sayin.


                      Well dave Look two posts above. Answer
                      the question. How can one pay way more
                      for land etc etc.
                      And produce less or equal and then
                      We have been doing it for a long time
                      and if that was me Id be done. So what
                      is the magic bullet.
                      AH some BS program it seems all signs
                      are pointing to.


                        Sask: would it be fair to say these guys are still in their infant stage
                        AND working with other peoples money. If they are collecting money from ag programs, I agree with dave, their margins will deteriorate to the point they will never collect, just ask some guys that have had consecutive wrecks. When the investors are no longer seeing the "promised" return and want to pull their money out, the farms will fold like a cheap tent.


                          I think Farmaholic answered your question. This thing is really just starting. I have seen interest from several international buyers and some don't just want return on investment. Some want a place to park cash. Some feel too much cash in their bank increase kidnapping risk in their own country. That is one reason. What about the affect on rich people of additional arab spring type movements in other countries? May happen if food costs escalate. People have all sorts of reasons to move cash into Canada due to our stability and i think the more you doubt this thing the more you are going to be shocked at what happens over the next 10 years (but we may be broke before we are shocked, lol). CAn you imagine 2 billion people in India with a land mass not much larger then Sask? I dont think we have any comprehension of that situation. It is coming. I struggle with these land values as it has totally disconnected from productive value, dont get me wrong. I was in China and seen the fear in government officials about food security. Their projections are grim. They told us they see the need for 2 million MT of field peas long term. 2 million? Where will that come from? Currently we sell them .5 million MT.



                            India land mass - 3,287,590 sq km

                            Saskatchewan land mass - 591,670 sq km (exc water mass)

                            They are going to grow 90 MMT of wheat this year and they suck at agronomics... so far.


                              I am surprised at that. Thought i would not even be twice as large as Sask. You are correct though.

                              Bottom line is people are looking for food security and a number of the drive in land purchases is due to foriegn cash. Fronted by a landed immigrant from numerous countries.


                                Dave I agree with what is coming. Now china it
                                might be a war and were done anyway. But the
                                whole thing is this way of farming doesn't pencil
                                out. I'll make it on the 10000 acres trust me. But
                                also would have liked to see the guy shop it
                                around first then liquidated.


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