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Some one Explain the Pike management Land shares!

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    Dave, you can about justify any business move or
    reason for what is going on. You can say India
    and China need food security and Sask land is a
    perfect investment to source food security. U can
    say we yearn for a capitalist system yet are
    hypocritical in saying we want socialist land
    ownership laws. Those are all interesting and
    valid points, but open your eyes a bit. This our
    country, our province, our land. These are our
    rural communities being affected. Rural
    Saskatchewan has a unique culture of
    community, spirit and a rich cultural heritage.
    Some want to keep this alive and see future
    generations carry this on.

    I believe in capitalist type govnt systems and
    business cultures, but when when it comes to
    food security and land ownership I believe we can
    look outside the box a bit.

    I believe only Saskatchewan farmers should own
    farmland (just as it is in PEI). This farce that there
    isn't enough capital in our province to do a
    generational exchange of land is a complete
    farce. Most land will be passed down to next
    generation and not necessarily sold. Banks will st
    up to provide the balance required.

    We DO NOT need the Gary Pikes of this world
    buying land through outside investors. A 5,000
    acre farm south of Lafleche just sold out to Broad
    Acres. Same story as SF3, nobody had any idea
    these people were looking to sell. Now Broad
    Acres is going to pull into that community with 6
    drills, seed and leave. This hurts the local
    community and adds zero value.

    A farm that build piece by piece over 100 years is
    gone. Everyone around is shocked. But according
    to Dave and Arrogant Larry, this is business and it
    is all good.

    I hope the local farmers lobby the RM to charge
    this foreign owner hundreds of thousands of
    dollars to use those RM roads to haul grain and
    transport machinery. Foreign ownership
    transportation fees we will call them.

    I say lobby your MLA for change. Demand
    changes in land ownership rules. Open their eyes
    to what is happening. I am going to be meeting
    with Yogi in the near future and voicing my


      When or where did I say this was good business?

      I liked you better when you worshipped the CWB. Now that's arrogant.


        When and where did I ever worship the CWB?



          Are you opposed to foreign land ownership
          masked as Canadian investment firms and farms
          such as Broad Acres, or are you all for these
          things happening?


            We have this old turd from Ireland thats buying land in the western part of Sask. This not right as all he is doing is screwing it up for the younger guys/gals. I think we have to stop this foreign ownership..


              What still ps me in all this is no one got a chance
              up until last fall the guy who sold was a fierce
              But all this foreign ownership by outsiders is bs.
              Why do we want to o back to what our
              grandfathers left.
              Signed frustrated in Saskatchewan!


                Right on Lakenheath, skfarmer3 and others. Let's get at this I'm all in.


                  So guys, the previous purchases of land by larger and larger farmers in the area are ok. Now that it is outsiders driving the bus we want to stop foriegn investment. Or, from what i can tell, investment from other people then local people.

                  SF3-looks like you did not cultivate you neighbors properly and may want to look in mirror for the answer as to why the neighbor did not come to you. They guy got his price, give it a rest.

                  We want capitalism except for food security then we want socialism. What so we can grow 5 million MT of durum for 30 million people. Give me a break. Grow 2 million MT of lentils for a country that consumes 5000 MT?? Food security, thats a good one.

                  I am all Canadian all the time, but face it, we have been here 100 years. I have history here as well. Our farm turned 100 last year. Don't want to see the change but laugh when people figure it's ok to drive farm size by local and not by something unlocal. If we all cared about community size, etc we would be seeding with 24 feet of dicser.


                    THere seems to be a feeling that their is a God given right to farm? Is that the case? Some kind of ancestreal right that is bequethed only to those genetically related to farmers? Sorry, but this one kills me.


                      How would we define a farmer? Would their parents have to have made at least 50% of their income from primary agriculture? That would then allow access to cheap land. How do stop Hutterites in this process? What about First Nations? would they be allowed or the fact that havent "farmed" in the last 100 years (who cares about what happened prior to this massive time period of 100 years) would not allow them to purchase land in the new scheme.

                      Some of this stuff must be in the NDP manifesto, surely we could use that as a guide.


                        Confusicious say

                        "karefu wha u wiss fo"

                        Maybe when libtards gain power and national energy
                        program part deux includes resource revenues from

                        Which is an infringement on property rights also.


                          Dave, I get your point to a large
                          extent. Regarding whether it matters who
                          is buying the land, there is always some
                          fella who thinks he can afford higher
                          prices than the next guy. He can be
                          purple, from Iceland, or he can be the
                          longtime neighbors spoiled brat, riding
                          pappy's shirtails. Regardless, these
                          types are the ones making it hard for
                          younger guys to get rolling. There are
                          some in every area, who just have a
                          thing for being huge. Great, fine, but
                          regardless of where they are from, they
                          are the ones making it tough for those
                          starting out.

                          I mean, SF3, said he was willing to buy
                          a few more, at elevated prices, and more
                          power to him. But for the ones like him
                          where 200 000 for a quarter is pocket
                          change, easy cash flow, well I dunno.
                          It's a free country.

                          As far as outsiders, I am still
                          pondering... lol


                            I agree with what you are saying Freewheat, i feel similar, but you just could not set out to write stuff like this.

                            The idea is that we want to get rid of the CWB so we have control over our right to market our own product (which i agree with) and we want government to stay out of our way but we want government to intervene and prevent outsiders from coming into the industry. Freedom to sell our goods to any country for any price yet we want to prevent access to the industry to keep our personal access to the industry cheap. We want an open market that can drive the value of production up, but a closed market to keep land values down. Then, I assume, when we turn 65 we want it to turn around and go back to the way it was because if history has proved anything, it is that there are fewer and fewer people who want to farm. Lol. Thanks, I have not had this much fun since the CWB fell.


                              You are a borderline comedian Dave. U liken an
                              aggressively expanding Saskatchewan farmer to
                              a foreign investor. You must be smoking
                              something awfully good. Billion dollar funds vs an
                              aggressive, hardworking, risk taking, getting down
                              and dirty SK farmer who has paid his dues. Give
                              me a break.

                              I hope u are having so much fun with this. U
                              single handily dismantled the CWB on Agriville
                              with your superior debating power, intellect and
                              knowledge of things should be. This
                              landownership debate is just a walk in park for u
                              and us donkeys that don't like what is going on
                              are just blinded, backwards fundamentalists
                              grasping on to the good ole days.

                              Get off your high horse and open your eyes.


                                Food security isn't solely defined by the fact that
                                Canadians don't consume all the durum and
                                lentils we grow. Does PEI consume all the
                                potatoes they grow.......he'll no. But their Govnt. Is
                                there to protect their interests. Govnt. Can, if u
                                didn't realize, play a role in the live of Canadians
                                and Canadian farmers.


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