Dave, you can about justify any business move or
reason for what is going on. You can say India
and China need food security and Sask land is a
perfect investment to source food security. U can
say we yearn for a capitalist system yet are
hypocritical in saying we want socialist land
ownership laws. Those are all interesting and
valid points, but open your eyes a bit. This our
country, our province, our land. These are our
rural communities being affected. Rural
Saskatchewan has a unique culture of
community, spirit and a rich cultural heritage.
Some want to keep this alive and see future
generations carry this on.
I believe in capitalist type govnt systems and
business cultures, but when when it comes to
food security and land ownership I believe we can
look outside the box a bit.
I believe only Saskatchewan farmers should own
farmland (just as it is in PEI). This farce that there
isn't enough capital in our province to do a
generational exchange of land is a complete
farce. Most land will be passed down to next
generation and not necessarily sold. Banks will st
up to provide the balance required.
We DO NOT need the Gary Pikes of this world
buying land through outside investors. A 5,000
acre farm south of Lafleche just sold out to Broad
Acres. Same story as SF3, nobody had any idea
these people were looking to sell. Now Broad
Acres is going to pull into that community with 6
drills, seed and leave. This hurts the local
community and adds zero value.
A farm that build piece by piece over 100 years is
gone. Everyone around is shocked. But according
to Dave and Arrogant Larry, this is business and it
is all good.
I hope the local farmers lobby the RM to charge
this foreign owner hundreds of thousands of
dollars to use those RM roads to haul grain and
transport machinery. Foreign ownership
transportation fees we will call them.
I say lobby your MLA for change. Demand
changes in land ownership rules. Open their eyes
to what is happening. I am going to be meeting
with Yogi in the near future and voicing my
reason for what is going on. You can say India
and China need food security and Sask land is a
perfect investment to source food security. U can
say we yearn for a capitalist system yet are
hypocritical in saying we want socialist land
ownership laws. Those are all interesting and
valid points, but open your eyes a bit. This our
country, our province, our land. These are our
rural communities being affected. Rural
Saskatchewan has a unique culture of
community, spirit and a rich cultural heritage.
Some want to keep this alive and see future
generations carry this on.
I believe in capitalist type govnt systems and
business cultures, but when when it comes to
food security and land ownership I believe we can
look outside the box a bit.
I believe only Saskatchewan farmers should own
farmland (just as it is in PEI). This farce that there
isn't enough capital in our province to do a
generational exchange of land is a complete
farce. Most land will be passed down to next
generation and not necessarily sold. Banks will st
up to provide the balance required.
We DO NOT need the Gary Pikes of this world
buying land through outside investors. A 5,000
acre farm south of Lafleche just sold out to Broad
Acres. Same story as SF3, nobody had any idea
these people were looking to sell. Now Broad
Acres is going to pull into that community with 6
drills, seed and leave. This hurts the local
community and adds zero value.
A farm that build piece by piece over 100 years is
gone. Everyone around is shocked. But according
to Dave and Arrogant Larry, this is business and it
is all good.
I hope the local farmers lobby the RM to charge
this foreign owner hundreds of thousands of
dollars to use those RM roads to haul grain and
transport machinery. Foreign ownership
transportation fees we will call them.
I say lobby your MLA for change. Demand
changes in land ownership rules. Open their eyes
to what is happening. I am going to be meeting
with Yogi in the near future and voicing my