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Some one Explain the Pike management Land shares!

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    That's the thing, i don't see it as the end of the world, i dont need to research it. I am talking in generalities and most want to see the CWB go, including SF3 and want to see land ownership laws. I find it hard to look want both of these things as they are political opposites. Can you really see laws stating only farmers can own land in Sask? Can you? Farmers without an accent? What if the Irish Turd is a landed immigrant in Sask? What law do we need know to protect us from them. Think that will fly? The more likely possibility is that ownership will be opened up directly to foreign ownership. That is what One Earth for instance is waiting for. They think it is a matter of time.

    I would like a new law that says only Voc Ag grads get top contracts each spring. Get a group together. Explain why we need it. Is it going to happen? Nope. Neither is this.


      So you are telling me that the head of Cargill said they are not interested in buying farmland in Nov and 4-5 months later they are buying in S AMerica and Australia. Is that what you are saying? Not sure how i would prove or disprove that one, but again, i do not see Cargill as the enemy as you do. I really don't.


        Lakenheath I wrote a letter to my MLA and the Provincial Ag Minister. I received a reply from Bob Bjorneruds office and in it I was told the provincial laws state that only canadian citizens can buy land in saskatchewan and that the Farmland Security Board moniters transactions. The letter went on to say that Saskatchewan has a bright future for agriculture and this is an opportunity for new growers while at the same time allowing for retiring farmers to get out of the business.
        I seen a list of new land owners in my RM and quite a names on the map went from chuks and skis to Wong,Lu,Fu,Lee,Maxcrop and many other numbered companies.None of these live in the RM.
        I know my MLA and generally support him but I think he needs to be reminded that I am farming and hope to be voting for many years to come. I wonder how many of the names listed above will be voting in sask for them?


          Does AgriStability have a limit? Can these guys
          just overbid and overpay until they self-destruct
          and then the taxpayer picks up the whole tab?

          Bet every industry would like a guaranteed


            Dave I love the new price of Land thats
            Ok and with or without this BS outsider
            investment we would have got their.
            ITs BS that Canadian farmers wouldnt be
            able to buy the land.
            Its BS.
            Other countries are now waking up and
            watching foreign ownership rules.
            Saskatchewan maybe needs to look at
            whats happening.
            Because at less than 15 bus for lentils
            and their worthless someone is picking
            up the losses.
            You and I dave as Tax payers but also
            the stupid investors.



              Read above link, Dave.



                Maybe accepting what is going on is not the path,
                we as farmers, should be taking. Standing back
                and letting land transfer out of the hands of

                Notice how Cargill easily got around the land
                ownership laws in Australia. Remind you of what
                is going on in Saskatchewan with Maxcorp,
                Assiniboia, etc.


                  And you haven't necessarily seen proof that
                  foreign investment drives up the price of farmland.
                  Give me a break. Do you have a basic education,
                  Dave. A basic concept of supply and demand
                  comes into play here.


                    OK, you guys are one side. What about the people that are selling? Think they share your sentiment? Do you think that $14/bu canola would not drive land to $1200/ac? Common, get with reality. I quite enjoyed paying $540/ac for land and growing a 30 bu lentil crop worth $540 dollars gross/ac. Basically paid for land in 2 years. I would love to do that over and over and over. Reality (and a good drought) in the long term may pull this back, but growers are pushing it up right now. I know that as i am one of those growers. Hard to know wether to join this thing or hold. I have convinced myself that these prices are with us for awhile and hoping for some change in ownership rules is fruitless. NOt gonna happen. Do you think Brad Wall wants to make that tweak following the potash move??? That dog don't hunt.

                    I dont like it any more then any of you. I just find it funny that you can flip your beleifs when you need to. Calvert we are not done with you, get back here!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      And considering you guys have extensive analysis on this issue, and i have no basic education, you must know the answer to this. What percentage of land purchases, in the last 12 months, were funded by foreign ownership. Money that comes from outside of Canada????


                        In our area this winter out of 76
                        quarters that sold. Total price
                        $18,132,000.00 Average sale price
                        $238,578.94 per quarter.
                        Thats the going rate no problem.
                        Out of the 76,
                        75% were Land companies, Who knows what
                        investor is in their.
                        21% Were a farmer from Ontario. Who is
                        moving here and sold their.
                        4% a young guy who wants to farm.


                          glencore, chinese and other big funds are actively buying land here.

                          cargills zero.

                          all foriegn investments have to go through a review board before they get the ok.

                          thus far apparently 80% have been ratified, and its basically last 3 yrs things have become active.

                          some of the investment houses and super funds have been getting out at a loss in some cases due to falling commodity prices. Cattle properties seem to be prefered option in australia for overseas investors at the moment.


                            Black River Asset Management is actively
                            purchasing Australian farmland along with
                            Glencore. Black River is controlled by Cargill.
                            Google it.


                              With the Investor groups buying land I think it is
                              all based on derivitives and I think it will come
                              crashing down eventually.


                                The price of land has trippled in our area the last
                                five years from under $500 acre to close to
                                $1500 acre.

                                Lots of established farmers rent land and if the
                                landlords decide to sell at these prices they
                                could not afford to buy the land.

                                If investor groups buy the land and want
                                $10,000 to $15,000 rent/quarter it would not
                                pay to rent it back.

                                Eventually who is going to farm the land?

                                I can not believe how much farming has
                                changed un the last five years.

                                I really feel bad for the generation coming up as
                                it will be impossible for them to buy any land
                                with out help from thier parents.

                                A few years back if a family had a small farm it
                                was possible to expand if thier children wanted
                                to farm.

                                At todays prices it does not make sense.

                                In a way I am almost hoping for a few years of
                                drought that may drop the land prices.

                                The last few years have been the best years we
                                ever had on our farm. What happens when we
                                do get a drought and the prices go down.

                                Last drought we had was 2002. could be do for
                                one soon.

                                What will happen then????


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