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Friends of the Comedian Wheat Bored

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    Friends of the Comedian Wheat Bored

    JUST A REMINDER to those Comedian framers
    who believe in due process and the
    Comedian Wheatie Bored. There is a
    website on the enternet that allows ya ta
    take part in the Classy action lawsuits
    filed in Court, relative to the
    lawlessness currently rampaging through
    Western Comedia, fueled by Herr HARPER!!!!

    Why? You still have the Borg. Why the waste of time/money? If they have the balls/desire to make it work it may well be a viable operation. Stop whining about what happened and foccus on doing something positive for a change.


      Is that similar to the facebook site that deletes comments against their cause?


        No butt you kin donate ta hep the cause!


          We have all unwillingly donated for 70 years.



            Why don't you look up the prices offered by the cwb and back them off to your local elevator?

            When you find out the cwb is lagging by some 70 cents a bushel maybe you will wake up and realize this is what they have been losing every year.

            The other question is where did the money that the cwb called the premium go?

            I hate these discussions because for some reason people can't do math, even it is on the cwb and grainco's websites, in black and white.


              I'm talkin a free, framer run wheatie
              bored. Not this GOBERMONT monstrocity
              thats doomed ta failure.......


                Its the same people in the offices at the cwb. If they can't figure out how to make money and everyone else can maybe they should get some new people.

                Viterra has been for sale for months apparently and no one with the former cwb board of directors thought to take a piece of handling for an easy billion dollars. That's the money the feds have guaranteed the new cwb over 5 years. Maybe instead of buying boats or visiting lawyers' offices they should have been eyeing up some handling facilities.

                After all they were talking to viterra everyday, no one can tell me that there wasn't mention of Viterra selling.


                  Mayo S is/was a tricky fellow, and has
                  rewarded himself well fer his work. Sell
                  ta the Comedian Wheat Bored, no way no
                  money there. Current sale was a joke to,
                  lettin more hucksters and fraud artists
                  inta the Comedian market, by the back door
                  is the Comedian waya doing business.
                  Ain't it?


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