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Off topic rant...

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    I agree with that,Furrow.

    My thinking is that freedom and protecting people
    from themselves is a fine line.

    Some stoners want to take the way the right of
    farmers to drive around drinking beer and shooting
    coyotes and visa versa,maybe we should just leave
    each other alone.

    But back to original point you where making,it does
    seen like our society is in decay.


      A question and an observation. Question - why are
      they taking this shit (where are the parents of the
      younger users?) Observation - prohibition doesn't


        Regardless, it's Easter, as Pars mentioned. Go enjoy your life this weekend whatever it may be. Look in the mirror and remind ourselves we have the best occupation in the world and the best way to raise a family and keep a close eye on our kids. They are our future not some washed up nuckle heads. Also apreciate those who do good for society and not mock the freedoms others give us. Over 5 billion people on earth live well below what we have - it's just sad that it's not enough for some, and they get idolized.


          I liked the nickel back rock star song, good music
          fantasy lyrics, kind of make me feel good. My
          girls were 4 and 5 when I would play in the truck. I
          did describe that the song was about people's big
          wishes and that with too much fortune people
          could self destruct. 3 minutes later, we walk into a
          quickee mart, and micheal Jackson's death is
          front page. I described when I was young he was
          the best singer and all us young people loved his
          music. He had big hits and gold records. He made
          so much money he bought his very own
          Disneyland. Still he was not happy and ultimately
          died a sad person.


            Harpster is building many, many new
            prisons ta deal with the Comedian
            population. Lockem up and trow away the
            keys, get tough with, crack down on the
            scum and dissenters, protesters.
            Pattern forming here in Comedia that
            makes one a bit uneasy to say the least!
            Death penalty ok to, if ya pays fer your
            own bullet, oh what thats China, our
            best buddy and tradin partner. Ain't


              Will each AV'er please send me twenty bucks?

              We need a genuine joint effort to purchase a one-
              way flight to Libya for burburt, where he can
              ponder, and compare his life there, to his life in
              Canada. It would improve burburt's outlook, and
              comfort our humanitarian side, knowing we had
              sent him to a destination he will fit into.

              There is nothing and no-one in Canada burburt
              appears to like, so perhaps a lifestyle remake
              under Sharia law will prompt his enthusiasm and
              positivity to awaken.

              And burka- peeping might amuse him so he could
              actually learn to laugh occasionally. Pars


                whats your address parsely so i can send
                the money.



                  Micheal Jackson was a ****ing pedophile. People sold their kids to him. He deserves to be dead.


                    Can I get a BIG AMEN Bucket!


                      Bucket, agreed , I didn't want to spend the entire 2
                      hours drive home explaining all the fine details of
                      mj 's tendencies To my 4 and 5 year old kids. Too
                      much of anything is bad. Agree with furrow,
                      media wants to idolize disfunction. Thats not a
                      positive message to our kids. It's up to the parents
                      to describe and show the right examples.


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