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any weather scares for next 2 weeks in usa?

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    any weather scares for next 2 weeks in usa?

    Wheat market is flat as a pancake and looks like sideways for a while.

    Kinda like alost child compared to beans and canola and lesser extent corn.

    Some maybe astute farmers locked in $250 port here in SA for standard grade wheat plus or minus grade premiums.

    Were on about $238 last week.

    Cotton or who ever wont this market just grind lower without the guts falling out of it? despite lots of wheat and read india is having a record harvest.

    I know to most of you guys on here wheat is a minor crop.

    Personally,i see wheat as on the floor with no real
    downside,i would not ever consider pricing it here.
    (barring a global across the market sell off)

    It will probably take a kick in the arse from some
    event to get it moving,but i imagine some guys like
    Jim Rodgers are adding at this point in time.


      Were in a Snow Storm in Regina Right


        SF3, at least you might have some cover for your winter crops, with the looks of the forecast, ours will be toast by Thur morning!


          Weather scary on our farm! Just a small insignificant part of Sk, however, markets will not react.
          More snow than we had all winter!
          Too wet before, now looking like a disaster.


            not being a smart arse here but does this mean drought fears on the praries have been lessened?


              frost risk reported for west kansas tomorrow.


                Cold air is pushing through Sask from the north now, looks like it may get a far ways south into the northern U.S. Overnight lows could be as low as -12c here up till Wed.


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