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Should have topped up too wet insurance!!

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    Should have topped up too wet insurance!!

    11-12 inches of snow so far,still coming
    down. Could this be the start of another
    disaster for this area? What a joke. My
    sister in Saskatoon said their kids are
    out biking this morning. I am ready to
    leave this forsaken country!!!

    It is so frustrating. There is still
    time sure, but it was looking so good
    for once. Anyone want to buy some rice
    ground? I will trade any comers from
    areas where it is dry. I want DRY. lol

    I would post pictures, but with the snow
    coming down, and everything white, my
    wife says they look like nothing, with
    no depth perception. Sure is beautiful
    to look at, but beautiful doesn't grow

    I asked before does Alberta get to decide in end of April for insurance. Would you have changed your mind if your choice was end of April, what an advantage. Saskatchewan still backwards hillbilly gov. Lots of guys did not take top up too much premiums for everything littel coverage.


      Ditto on all your comments.
      Very depressing.
      We were still wet, before this, now weeks behind other areas. Like living on a different planet.
      Grainews long range forecast suggests snow even into May.


        Alberta has the option till end of
        April? GRRRR. And fjlip, depressing is a
        good way to put it. HA! what did you end
        up with up there? I measured an honest
        foot in the yard where it doesn't blow.
        Forecast highs below zero til wed. at
        least. The water just stopped running
        before this foresaken inch of rain and
        foot of snow. Something I forgot to
        mention was the near inch of rain
        preceding this snow.

        Imagine if it screws around again? Even
        a rain in beginning of May could screw
        us now. That would make it what? 2006,
        2007, 2010, and 2012 too wet to seed.
        Huh. Harumph! Oh well, I am used to
        missing the great price years, watching
        on the sidelines as other areas make a

        Sheesh, maybe a guy should give it up

        I hate to complain, and at the risk of
        sounding whiny, this is enough


          Freewheat, sounds like you would be in a heck of an
          area to grow grass - ever considered that?


            I forgot, 2011 I didn't seed 1/4 my acres
            too wet as well.


              Hey grassfarmer, we do grow great grass.
              I have a couple of quarters of pasture
              that no one wants. Remember me? I am the
              guy who asked you fellas over on the
              beef forums if it would be feasible to
              grass some steers? I have been eying
              sheep seriously, but with all these
              crappy years, there is little cash to
              build fences etc. I have also toyed with
              hay on some of the wetter land, but how
              do you get hay when it rains all the
              time? We are in a poorish hay quality
              area. I may even look at cattle, could
              run 100 or so on the land I have, but
              again, cash is a big issue right now,
              and taking on debt at these high cow
              prices would be hell on earth, no? I
              dunno. I am a farmer. I WILL find a way,
              and the spring could turn out fine, but
              dang it is a joke right now.

              As I said before, we are in an area that
              prior to 2006, was in the top ten rms
              for growing grain. And then it started
              raining. For almost 100 years, the area
              had seen next to no crop failures, other
              than the odd hailstone or odd early
              frost. I have been banking on a return
              to this normalcy. Maybe I am wrong to
              hope for that. But the law of numbers
              would say I should be correct at some


                About a foot, depends where one measures.
                3/10" rain before noon yesterday. Still snowing and blowing around, even if nothing shows on radar!
                Grid road horrible slop.
                Will melt the rain gauge and reply later.


                  It's April 7, the crop will go in, and the crop zwill
                  come off. Thata our job. Relax and think ahead of
                  the sunny days filling the air seeder coming in a
                  month. This weather allows us to have family time
                  together, and to fix all the small stuff we are
                  forgetting. Slow down, enjoy. Do not complicate
                  your farm, leave that to the neighbors.


                    LOL Hobbyfrmr: That is so right it isn't even funny. If you are ever in doubt about what to do on your farm, ask the jealous neighbour--he always seems to know what you should be doing.


                      22mm in gauge but most of the snow is not counted. Up to 12" in yard, fields blew off 6" or so. Ditches full, roads a wreck.
                      If you have a window that evil white stuff kills any relaxing.
                      Grassfarmer, most are exiting cattle in this area. Young guys not interested. The lure is Canola and huge new machinery, as well as the oil patch all winter.


                        You guys obviously haven't experienced the wet years as we have. It's no joke any more. Yeah with a may rain or 2 will be filling the airseeder alright hopefully not the end of june.

                        Same old same old, we'll be gettin the rejection from instability and more guys from the so called drought that ends in one day will bring their margins in and drive up rent again, only to collect on their program.

                        Wow let's jump for joy!


                          No doubt riders, no doubt. I have two
                          years of crops in the last 6 years to
                          base my 5 year margins on. Guys
                          shouldn't wonder why we are nervous
                          again, when they have coverage for a
                          drop, and we have diddly. And speaking
                          of angrystability, I got a letter from
                          them the other day. They needed more
                          information for my 2010 claim year. Two
                          years later, and still not done. I don't
                          even know if I'll see a red cent.

                          It is not like it is complicated, it is
                          simple mathematics. I entered the year
                          with a fair grain inventory from my 2009
                          crop, and ended it with 0 inventory, due
                          to no seeding occuring.

                          Yet I sit and wait. LOL two years later.


                            In feb 2007 I bought 480 acres that I combined all
                            of it in oct 2006. Big runoff and massive rains, an
                            rm cut open a road flooded 240 acres. I have yet
                            to physically see those 240 acres. 20% of my
                            farm. I don't like it, it took the wind out of my sails I
                            was bound for glory goddammit! In conclusion,
                            relax sometimes you can't change things. Do not
                            run against the wind. Do the best you can. The
                            crop will go in and the crop will come off. That's
                            what we do.
                            Consider selling to these big investors and
                            relocating. Arbitrage.
                            It's just farming in Canada, in my 21 years farming
                            I have noticed one thing, we are not that ****ing
                            important. Its just food and fuel. We can chase
                            around with expensive fancy rigs and hired men
                            talk real loud in the pub and AV about risk and
                            play boss. Just remember, It's not oil, or gold, or
                            potash or diamonds. If you want to feel important
                            get a job in these sectors, and make buckets of
                            cash. There is no shame in that. Canadian
                            citizens don't give a **** about farming. The end.

                            Oh, yeah, happy Easter I hope we have sense
                            enough to spend time with our families. They will
                            remember that.


                              Freewheat you are right. It isn't that complicated and you should know what you are supposed to get or not get when you send it in.

                              If someone is preparing it for you they better be providing that as part of the package or fire them!


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