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Alberta Election Debate Winner will be ...?

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    AV'ers might want to click on the one you thought

    http://www.edmontonjournal.com/news/Poll Alber
    ta leaders debate/6450297/story.html


      I want to put a pay toll gate at the border, if
      Mason ever won the election.


        That's not a very nice thing to say, hey Burbert?


          I thought all the opposition leaders
          faired well. Redford's problem is the
          baggage she carries from before. As usual
          most problem solving by Alberta
          politicians is just throw more money at
          it. We all want great health care and
          education but forget we have to pay for


            Heres a novel Idea to afford education and Health care from a guy from Sask.

            Get Your new Leader to talk to King Brad and Raise the Royalties Together.So the oil companies can't play one province off against the other.
            Here in Sask you Can Pump the H out of a new well- Royalty Free for the first 3 years !!!! Oh and we get a Wopping Nickel from every Dollar of Potash. WO HO

            With the resources we have there should be no shortgage of money for hiways health or education. Unless YOU are Giving it Away which Albertie and Sask is doing


              I vote for Mustardman.


                Mustard has 2 votes now! which means he likely has double the ndp leader from alberta!lol


                  Finding enough money to throw at the health sector
                  isn't the problem - many have tried that and it
                  won't cure the problems. I've had lots of experience
                  with the health service both in Alberta and in
                  Scotland and would argue it's management that is
                  poor rather than lack of funding. The times when
                  patients are lying in bed not getting their most
                  basic needs met are often not caused by
                  understaffing of staff shortages but because the
                  nurses are standing in the hallway gossiping.
                  I've been in that position myself, waiting on getting
                  a dose of morphine for hours because the staff are
                  "too busy" when I can hear them sitting in the staff
                  area bitching about another patient or a doctor they
                  don't like. My father in law passed away recently
                  and through his last weeks had an appalling level of
                  care that wasn't meeting the basic needs of life and
                  human dignity - every day my wife went in she had
                  to do the job of managing the staff so they actually
                  did their jobs rather than do as little as possible
                  and still draw a pay check. Not saying all nurses are
                  useless or uncaring but there is definitely an
                  accepted culture where many of these types are
                  tolerated at the expense of patient care.


                    In my local paper my MLA had a little "misinformation ad" on how good the four land theft bills were (just poor communication!) and how the new Property Rights Advocate Office was going to fix that right up!
                    At a local political forum in Sylvan Lake he went on a little rant, saying the government might as well scrap the land bills because people had been fooled so much by some crazy lawyer, no one would ever believe the government when they told the truth!
                    .....that didn't go over too good!(note to all politicians...don't drink before you come to political forums!)
                    The property rights issue has pretty well been pushed off the page by healthcare and education, for the general public? The government made a conscious decision to write off the rural areas as unwinnable after they heard how pissed off the people were about the government stealing their property!
                    It pretty well is a done deal that these scoundrels are getting a pink slip on April 23rd! This isn't just about Alberta.....the Wildrose position on property rights is going to affect every province in Canada! It's a revolution!


                      Didn't watch, went drinkin wit friends
                      and out ta dinner. Really who gives a
                      f--k, its a popularity contest that
                      theys tryin ta win. All of them is
                      gonna say anything, do anything, ta git
                      elected, then stealya blind, cousin
                      thats what they all do, feather theys
                      own nest, just like the birdies. I say
                      don't vote, just put yer nose to the
                      gindin stone and fram. Don't worry, be
                      happy. Its the city slickers that
                      elects gobermonts now, not framers,
                      cousin theys no longer many rural votes
                      out there!!!!!!!


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