As an eye openner and probably should start another topic. Looking at a government perspective if the government is wanting to show economic activity. Allowing 1 billion new money into the province to purchase farm land is going to look extremely good on the ballance sheet. Think about it, 1 billion new investment money, retiring farmers spending their money. Gonna have one hell of an effect on ballance sheet.
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Maybe we should be thankful they are buying and not
going the anglo saxon route of slaughtering 90
percent of the
New guy, in my area we already have only about
20 farmers in 2 municipalities. This is happening
whether we like it or not. My four neighbors farm
45000, 25000, 18000, and 20000acre. I do not
begrudge them, they carry a lot of risk that no one
else wanted to in the last 15 years. They also
employ many locals including the flunkies that
would not fit too well in mainstream society!
These guys write cheques and buy the land or
pay high rents. There may be some outside
money funding this, but there has never been a
whisper about it. Some of the big farms and
Hutterite colonies are now traveling 30 miles to
expand their farms. So, I think that the
immigration scenario is real, but we are not
helping ourselves. Hopper has a point, our
children are lazier and not as smart as
immigrants. Immigrant kids know they have to
improve to get out of the less desirable
conditions they were living in. Around here the
teacher gives a kid static, they pull the kid, shut
everything down to deliver and pickup the kid at a
school 15 miles away. Immigrant kids are happy
to goto a school with lights AND heat!
Since all this new interest in Sask land it seems alot more farms that once thought would never have anyone live in now have people living there.It started with alot of Alberta people coming into small rural areas and now some immigrants. My theory of a booming econonomy is when people move in they bring money and money brings people. It is great to see this happening in rual sask now. Sask has alot of catching up to do. So it does not matter where the money comes from into Sask people will follow it. And we do need alot more younger tax payers in this province to ensure we get good health care and so on when the baby boomers are all retired.
Don't get too bent out of shape boys! Land investment is a fad just like hog barns 15 years ago, k maybe not quite, but you know what I'm getting at.
Good news is most of this investor land will change hands again in the next 10 years. So sit back, relax and farm what you have really really well!
Agree with the last two comments....
I came to Canada as a 5 year old kid with my parents... To a community that hates
I sure as hell won't be one of those when it comes to welcoming new people to the
What's the problem with families from other countries moving in and farming... I recall
reading not too many years ago that Sask didn't have enough people to take over the
farms from the retiring generation.
This is just my $0.02, but it looks like a lot of people on here need a constant
crusade. The CWB is gone, so now it's foreigners buying land (investors, and ordinary
I recall reading on here not too long ago too that the U of S is over run with Chinese
kids... um.... 80% of those enrolled in the Ag College are from Saskatchewan. 50% of
those are from a farming background.
It's kind of funny reading this, really...
Klause, do you think rich-only immigrants, if I'm
reading the intent correctly, should be the priority,
as has been suggested. What about language
skills? What about age? Any priorities? What
about foreign governments purchasing land
masses for their state farming and placing
workers on them? Pars
Canada has foreign ownership laws... I have worked with the Chinese investors...
the government isn't involved. They hate the gov't. That's why they came here in
the first place.
Language skills? Sure. And they do learn English - give them time.
I see Rural SK towns filling up, new houses going up, new businesses going up.
This is good.
I don't see the problem here other than that some people always need to find
something to complain about.
Canada is a melting pot of cultures... Darcy's background is Norwegian and
English, I'm Germanic... we blend our backgrounds. A Chinese man marries a woman
from Canada, they'll blend theirs. I've been the victim of racism, and I don't
tolerate that BS. End of story.
A lot of people complain about the Natives, and at the same time, complain about
immigrants... Well, most of them came from Europe at some point, I.E. Immigrated.
When this bubble bursts, then those same persons will complain there's no one to
buy the land, again.
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