Choice2U your case in point of how a political decison in the 80s impacts for generations. Therefore we should carefully consider the playing field we leave for the future, today.
Healthy capitalism is based in competition, and shared markets are essential for competition. While we can agree that having adequate storeage and timing may find a beneficial position in a price graph, ultimately competition defines the percentage of the margin, and what the market can bear capitalism has a range which extends into pure feudalism.
I have heard varying numbers does anyone know what % of inputs Agrium controls, in addition to the independents they supply?
Healthy capitalism is based in competition, and shared markets are essential for competition. While we can agree that having adequate storeage and timing may find a beneficial position in a price graph, ultimately competition defines the percentage of the margin, and what the market can bear capitalism has a range which extends into pure feudalism.
I have heard varying numbers does anyone know what % of inputs Agrium controls, in addition to the independents they supply?