Politics is mostly a bullsh-t,
popularity contest. They'll say or do
anything ta get elected. THEN the lies
and cheating really begin. Politicos
are only in the game ta feather either
own nests, er get some zoning changed so
somebody close kin get a leg up on the
rest. Corruption and more corruption is
the name of the game, after all, ifn
yous a backbencher, what the f@#k else
is there ta due, besides votin the party
line, or get whipped????? Go Hellberta
go, wes Comedian democracy at it worst!
popularity contest. They'll say or do
anything ta get elected. THEN the lies
and cheating really begin. Politicos
are only in the game ta feather either
own nests, er get some zoning changed so
somebody close kin get a leg up on the
rest. Corruption and more corruption is
the name of the game, after all, ifn
yous a backbencher, what the f@#k else
is there ta due, besides votin the party
line, or get whipped????? Go Hellberta
go, wes Comedian democracy at it worst!