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The Next Global Crash: Why You Should Fear the Commodities Bubble

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    The Next Global Crash: Why You Should Fear the Commodities Bubble

    Investors have gone crazy for
    commodities, pouring money into
    everything from oil to copper. Just like
    the world's mania for tech stocks in the
    1990s, this boom is headed for a bust.
    As playwright Arthur Miller once
    observed, "An era can be said to end
    when its basic illusions are exhausted."
    Most of the illusions that defined the
    last decade -- the notion that global
    growth had moved to a permanently higher
    plane, the hope that the Fed (or any
    central bank) could iron out the highs
    and lows of the business cycle -- are
    indeed spent. Yet one idea still has the
    power to capture the imagination of the
    markets: that the inexorable rise of
    China and other big developing economies
    will continue to drive a "commodity
    supercycle," a prolonged upward rise in
    the prices of commodities ranging from
    oil to copper and silver, to textiles,
    to corn and soybeans. This conviction is
    the main reason for the optimism about
    the prospects of the many countries that
    live off commodity exports, from Brazil
    to Argentina, and Australia to Canada.

    I call this illusion commodity.com, for
    it is strikingly similar in some ways to
    the mania for technology stocks that
    gripped the world in the late 1990s. At
    the height of the dotcom era, tech
    stocks comprised 30 percent of all the
    money invested in global markets. When
    the bubble finally burst, commodity
    stocks -- energy and materials -- rose
    to replace tech stocks as the investment
    of choice, and by early 2011 they
    accounted for 30 percent of the global
    stock markets. No bubble is a good
    bubble, and all leave some level of
    misery in their wakes. But the
    commodity.com era has had a larger and
    more negative impact on the global
    economy than the tech boom did.

    The hype has created a new industry that
    turns commodities into financial
    products that can be traded like stocks.
    Oil, wheat, and platinum used to be sold
    primarily as raw materials, and now they
    are sold largely as speculative
    investments. Copper is piling up in
    bonded warehouses not because the owners
    plan to use it to make wire, but because
    speculators are sitting on it, like
    gold, figuring that they can sell it one
    day for a huge profit. Daily trading in
    oil now dwarfs daily consumption of oil,
    running up prices. While rising prices
    for stocks--tech ones included--
    generally boost the economy, high prices
    for staples like oil impose unavoidable
    costs on businesses and consumers and
    act as a profound drag on the economy.

    That is how average citizens experience
    commodity.com, as an anchor weighing
    down their every move, not the exciting
    froth of the hot new thing. The dotcom
    sensation broke the bounds of the
    financial world and seized the popular
    imagination, attracting thrilled media
    hype around the world and enticing
    cubicle jockeys to become day traders.
    There was the dream of great riches,
    yes, but also a boundless optimism and
    faith in human progress, a sense that
    the innovations flowing out of Silicon
    Valley would soon reshape the world for
    the better.

    Tech CEOs became rock stars because they
    promised a life of rising productivity,
    falling prices, and high salaries for
    generating ideas in the hip office pods
    of the knowledge economy, or for trading
    tech stocks from a laptop in the living
    room. It was impossible in those days to
    get investors interested in anything
    that did not involve technology and the
    United States, so some of us started
    talking up emerging markets as "e-
    merging markets," while analysts spent a
    lot of time searching for the new
    Silicon Valley, which they dutifully but
    often implausibly discovered hiding in
    loft offices everywhere from Prague to
    Kuala Lumpur.

    A decade later the chatter was all about
    the big emerging markets and oil, but
    with a darker mood. Commodity.com is
    driven by fear and a total lack of faith
    in human progress: fear of a rising
    phalanx of emerging nations with an
    insatiable demand led by China, of
    predictions that the world is running
    out of oil and farmland, coupled with a
    lack of faith in the human capacity to
    devise answers, to find alternatives to
    oil or ways to make agricultural land
    more productive. It's a Malthusian
    vision of struggle and scarcity: of
    prices driven up by failing supplies and
    wages pushed down by foreign

    Excitement about rising commodity prices
    exists only among the investors,
    financiers, and speculators who can gain
    from it. Commodity.com has inspired many
    an Indian and Chinese entrepreneur to go
    trekking across Africa in search of coal
    mines, yet it has no positive
    manifestation in the public mind at all.
    At the height of the tech bubble
    millions of American high school
    students aspired to become Stanford MBAs
    bound for Silicon Valley; today the
    growing number of oil, gas, and energy-
    management programs represents a small
    niche inside the MBA world. The only
    popular manifestations of commodity.com
    are complaints about rising gasoline
    prices and outbreaks of unrest over
    rising food prices in emerging markets.

    It is well-justified unrest. If
    anything, the negative impact of sky-
    high commodity prices on the larger
    economy is underestimated. The price of
    oil rose sharply before ten of the
    eleven postwar recessions in the United
    States, including a spike of nearly 60
    percent in the twelve months before the
    Great Recession of 2008 and more than 60
    percent before the economy lost momentum
    in mid-2011. When the price of oil trips
    up the United States, it takes emerging
    markets down with it. In 2008 and 2009
    the average economic growth rate dropped
    by 8 percentage points in both the
    developed and the emerging world, from
    its peak pace to the recession trough.

    The strongest common thread connecting
    the dotcom and commodity.com eras is the
    fundamental driver of all manias: the
    invention of "new paradigms" to justify
    irrationally high prices. We heard all
    sorts of exotic rationales at the height
    of the dotcom boom, when analysts
    offered gushy explanations for why a
    company with no profits, a sketchy
    business plan, and a cute name should
    trade at astronomical prices. It was all
    about the future, about understanding
    why prices in a digitally networked
    economy "want to be free," while the
    "monetization" problem (how to make
    money on the Internet) would solve
    itself down the line. The dotcom mania,
    while it lasted, was powerful enough to
    make Bill Clinton -- who campaigned as
    the first U.S. president to fully
    embrace the "new economy" -- a living
    emblem of American revival, just as the
    commodity price boom played a role in
    making Vladimir Putin a symbol of
    Russian resurgence and Inácio Lula da
    Silva the face of a Brazilian recovery.
    When the rapture is over, the nations
    and companies that have been living high
    off commodities will also share the
    sinking feeling that followed the dotcom
    Funny how close to reality this article
    maybe is? Good read.

    Are commodities in an investor driven bubble, or is inflation just rearing it's ugly head here first?


      There is one difference. You could not eat a dot com.


        And its still dry in Morrocco.

        Its not as economical to double crop in the states as it used to be so they are concentrating on one good crop.

        South America still has issues.

        I wouldn't be shorting crop commodities just yet.

        You only eat the food once, a computer can last longer than the next update.


          SF#, can you reference this article, who wrote it, what paper, any link, something?? Because right now it's presented as though you wrote it. Sorry for nitpicken'




              I found it a interesting read. With all
              the shit going on in the world and money
              running all over the place, Maybe the
              latest high sale and high prices for
              canola is the top and we have witnessed
              Time will tell wish had a crystal ball.


                It happened in 2008, can happen again. I think that is part of the gold rush feeling and when reality hits there will be alot of sorry people.
                A good time to lock in some very profitable prices and sit and watch.


                  The Atlantic! That explains part of it. The last story I
                  read in that rag was how organic farming could
                  save the world. To top it off, a lot of the
                  comentators at the end of it figured the green
                  revolution was a corperate conspiracy. Ya Ok.

                  On a side note, does anyone know how to get an
                  Android phone to spell check on the go in a text box
                  like this? Myne dosn't ad its drivng mee nutz.


                    ColevilleH2S: Google is your best friend...or Bing...or whatever.

                    For every problem there is a solution...either for free or pay what the market allows.


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