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CME futures trading

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    CME futures trading

    I didn't want to derail the other thread and thought this topic might
    deserve its own.
    Is anyone else getting fed up with the CME in regards to futures trading.
    A number of concerns that I have had lately.

    1. MF Global - The CME group allowed them to transfer funds out of
    customers accounts and skirt the rules, and yet no one is held
    accountable in either the CME or MF global. As parsley has pointed out
    and kept us up to date on this, something smells with this whole mess.

    2. Yesterday they announced that as of Monday floor traders would not be
    able to use their seats as margin money. The price went down 10-20 cents
    depending on the commodity. I have no idea whether this is good or bad
    but shouldn't this be grandfathered in so as contracts expire it is added
    on the new ones, you shouldn't be able to change the rules of the game
    halfway through a contract.

    3. All day trading. Trading now will be effectively 23 hours a day if I
    understood correctly. It is stressful enough doing some small trades, but
    when something happens overnight and the price plummets how are the
    smaller traders supposed to react when they are sleeping or living life.
    I would of thought that less trading hours would be appropriate so all
    the players can analyze and digest the information at the same time
    allowing all market participants to react accordingly. They way it is
    set up now the big players have a enormous market advantage by being able
    to analyze the news 24 hours a day and trade accordingly, giving them a
    huge upper hand, with the expanded trading hours it is only bound to get
    worse. I would think for good price discovery it would be beneficial for
    everyone if we where all at the same table at the same time and all
    playing with the same cards.

    Maybe I am way off base on the trading hours.

    Just some thoughts on trading and how it is getting less and less about
    price discovery and more about volume, and about how protecting your
    own(MF Global) is more important than protecting the small trader.
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