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Are the Chineese Conected to some of these Land Companies!

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    Also realize in many of these countries 10% of the population have a large portion of the wealth. So they could have 120 million (i am generalizing here) really super wealthy people. What sterotype (ie dress, mannerisms, etc) can you use to ecompass 120 Million people? 4 times the population of Canada.


      So, was rained out last night and i seem to have too much time on my hands today.

      Interesting story from 6 months ago. China was trying to cut their steel output becuase the country has such an enormous ability to produce product. They would go into steel factories and ask them to cut production. They wouldnt (cause it is privately owned) and they would force it to shut down. Couple days later go back and the factory is running again. Finally, some of these facilities where actually blown up by government officials. This will be China's downfall. Government trying to run private enterprise and not letting the market produce it. All i am trying to get across is that this is not the former Soviet Union or CUba. And if the government controlled construction boom is incorrect, we are all fubared.


        Dave all good points but. If your china and you
        know you can't feed your own isn't it a good plan
        to move migrant farm workers to places like
        Canada and brazil and Australia and then build a
        port facility to get their grain to china.
        No Canadians needed. So then Dave what
        happens to your prices if you take china out of the
        Your dealing with a communist not a millionaire
        from hong kong.


          After all that you still think a "country" is after your
          property? Maybe I should have given the long
          winded version? The issue is it is a millionaire
          from Hong Kong.


            If Canada is being set up for some major changes in the social and eceomic profile; then I would say that the present Canadian citizens have a right to some input into those decision; and especially the right to know when those decisions have been made.
            I know for a fact that at the local level there is no consultation or disclosure.
            Is it any different at the other two levels of govenment. And could anyone say if there is even a captain at the helm? Maybe Canada is just adrift.

            As for new immigrants. Not one problem if they become Canadians; and Canada comes first with them.


              You don't know much about China SF3 do you? The
              dollar value of their private enterprise (not state
              controlled) exports easily exceed Canada's total
              exports on a yearly basis.
              What would happen to your grain prices if they come
              here, own land, grow food for export to China not
              using the conventional channels? A fair chance it
              would help competition and prices here on the
              prairies as the existing players would have to
              compete harder to acquire product.
              For this very reason some in the beef industry are
              working with Chinese partners to do something
              similar. With their investment, build a plant dedicated
              to slaughter for the Chinese market thereby breaking
              the cosy 2 company stranglehold on the CDN beef
              processing sector that largely keeps beef captive on
              the N American continent.
              I think an influx of rural Chinese would be a great way
              to revitalize prairie agriculture. They would likely be
              able to feed and support a family off each quarter
              rather than need 40 or 50 quarters like some of the
              big talkers on here. On the weather thing - don't
              think they would all run off to Vancouver once winter
              on the prairies hit - they get -40C and feet of snow in
              parts of china after all. Probably wouldn't whine every
              time they got a 1/4 inch of rain either.


                Dave its not hong kong millionairs its chinese
                workers. How may millionairs do you know who
                have rice paties.
                Wake up.
                As for grass farmer if china doesn't need
                Canadian canola how will the price do their our
                major buyer.
                god can't some of you see this isn't what our
                grandfathers did coming here. It's china taking
                you out peacefully.


                  Err, no SF3, do some research there is a substantially
                  bigger export buyer of canola than China. You grow
                  canola and you don't know this stuff?


                    Maybe they were waiting for the Wheat Board to be disabled before they made their move....or maybe they lobbied to have the board removed so they could ship home....naaaaaa.....just getting paranoid ;-)


                      I do believe that the price of canola is more
                      connected to the total tonnage we produce rather
                      than who from Canada is selling or shipping to
                      china. Don't forget new markets are emerging all
                      the time for Canadian canola


                        WHO CARES, wes in a FREE & OPEN MARKET,
                        here in Comedia! Hope wes all get a good
                        price when wes decide ta seller.......


                          Maybe I'm not so off the map on this. Group
                          touring our area, everything grown goes home!


                            Remember Canola etc has a 9 percent tarrif going into China, a state trading firm will be able to pocket the extra buck plus a bushel. Now if the Chinese could build us another rail road thumbs up.


                              That group of lowly Chinese peasants you talk of likely have 5 times your education. Best make friends with them, get your kids to bread with them and join them. LOL


                                SK3: I myself is a new comer originally born in China. I bought some land at Saskatchewan and am learning how to farm with locals.

                                To say that we Chinese people and government don't trust eachother understated it. We HATED each other, that's the reason I came to Canada. I like and trust my farming partners way more than I trust Chinese government. And as far as I know, most of Chinese farmland investors feel same way as I do.
                                (Sorry for my English)


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