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Buckwheat, Miss Parsley?

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    Buckwheat, Miss Parsley?

    Miss Parsley, you mentioned buckwheat in
    the other thread. Anything you can tell
    me about personal experience growing it
    as a crop? I have lots of online info I
    have collected over the past few years,
    but there is very little recent info.
    And where does one find seed? I know it
    has a ridiculously short growing season,
    and makes awesome honey, but I need
    practical information. From an actual



      Google buckwheat


        Yes ma'am, I have googled buckwheat 47
        times in the last 6 years. lol

        Thanks for the link...


          Had a cousin in Ontario who did well growing buckwheat. Someone would put their bees out there for honey also. Think it is a crop that you may have trouble spraying out broadleaf weeds. Worth looking into though.


            Is Buckwheat the crop where 20% of it goes in the
            combine and 80% goes on the ground? Uneven
            maturity or something like that?


              It's an indeterminate crop. para


                Some guys tried it in our area, only once.


                  I would be very worried if its as hard to get rid of the next year like the wild variety. Wild buckwheat is a very bad weed here.


                    I don't know of anyone who sows wild buckwheat.
                    Japan's specialty is soba noodles made from
                    buckwheat. Pars


                      I've tried buckwheat 3 times with varying success, but not for 8 or 10 years. Its a different crop to grow, plant late, never speak the word frost within 3 miles of the crop, swath late and leave it for a long while. Yield depends a great deal on weather and pollination I think.

                      There were $15/bu contracts out there this spring. There are a couple new varieties out that are supposed to yield better. Call Vandaele Seeds in Medora, MB (204) 665-2384. They had seed, contracts and info earlier this spring I believe.


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