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Supermanitiss..... caution!!

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    by the sounds of it, it is us that are the nieve
    ones. Don't think for a minute that if W. Canada
    had a huge claim year that your margin would
    be paid out in full. There were high claim years
    in the cais years where there was 50% payouts


      You sure about that Daylate? There were cash
      advances and then if in the end you didn't qualify
      for more, that might have felt like a partial
      payment to you. Heck they even paid on negative
      margins, so if you went below zero or showed a
      loss, they made that up too. Do you see the
      potential for fraud?


        Agreed wheatking16. Take the excess
        moisture in 2010. My neighbor owns a
        construction business, didn't get a dime
        in govt money while his crew sat, bills
        piled up and customers pushed for
        progress....on the other side of the
        fence, fcc (crown corp) deferred my
        payments on fertilizer that I couldn't
        get in the ground, and I got another 30
        bucks an acre on top of my govt crop
        insurance payment for everything I
        didn't seed, not too mention all the
        other tax benefits that I get on the
        farm that he doesn't receive...I am a
        strong supporter of the family farm but
        as farmers we need to make sure we
        maintain a strong image in the public
        eye because corporate farms, at least
        from my neighbors perspective, require
        less subsidies. And in 2010 he didn't
        have much sympathy for me.


          Don't give a shat about crap ins, at the end of the day mother nature is teaching lessons on what can be farmed..... again. Not the size of your drill,tractor or rent or how about how some fed farm program will or will not pay. Really you guys, come on. It's about one once of integrity and the fact that you can spend an extra $30 /ac more on the dirt you hsve and make much more money than paying more money for more dirt - everytime, hands down..... not about who's screwwing the system or neighbors. I know guys at very small ac that try that shit to stay afloat. realy???? Stop whining about gov't programs - it has nothing to do with the topic .


            You don't have to fly too high to get too close to the sun.


              Yea give me a break corporate farms get no
              subsidies. Yea rite. 3 years then sell to
              new corporate farm continue.
              In canada your limited by our weather on
              the sise of farm. In Brazil its not a
              problem. But here one screw up and your
              One Moon will end, so will Sparce acre.
              They wont get their crops all seeded


                Without govt meddling the natural force of consolidation would have ensured a lot less farms a lot sooner.
                However, govt attitudes are maybe a bit dated. The One Earths etc. should never benefit. As in cattle payments, how do you draw a line?
                Thought for the day: Try to explain the way we file taxes to a non-farmer and the why. Similar concept as comparing to other businesses over disaster aid.
                Farming is like NO other business.
                How would self insuring and self banking and accrual accounting and no GST exempts change things? I'm thinking Brazil or Russia?
                I could be wrong.
                Just saying be careful comparing the business of farming to others.
                BTW I'd be disgusted if Broadass collected as would the rest of you.


                  Broadass did collect huge amounts last
                  year on flood acres. Nothing was seeded on
                  most of their Foamlake Ituna farm. The
                  cupar lentils were feed and Canary they
                  cant sell Its worthless and rotting.
                  So yes they are at the Trough


                    Yes I'm sure. The year of BSE we got a total of 50% of what we were elegible for. Since then we have gone almost entirely out of cattle and into grain. So far its been a good decision. That year we had a huge loss cause we thought we were protected with futures, but the day the news came our cattle on the farm tanked and because we don't have a futurs market in canada we hedged through chicago and US beef went limit up. Oh well! But I do agree, the less involved we can keep the government the more control our individual farms will have in the long term. Europeans can't sneeze on there dirt without a piece of paper to back it up!


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