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Saskfarmer3 ?

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    My ex's lawyer specializes in clients
    that were stay at home, didn't work farm
    wives with an appetite to cause hurt.
    Settlement wasn't the issue, no number
    was right, it was about causing pain. In
    the end, the kids got wise to it and
    there is little to no respect for her.

    the man has all the cards stacked
    against him. In my case, issues of child
    abuse by the mom were very frustrating.
    In the words of my lawyer, she will get
    away with it.

    Divorce is worth than death, death is
    final and the outcome quickly
    determined. Divorice is about hurt and

    Even more disturbing, farm wives see the
    big farm, and just want their share of
    the money - and they get it. This is a
    trend that is rising at an alarming
    rate. Nothing to lose, only to win a
    payout. Leaves the farm broken in the
    end. And yes, there are now lawyers that
    specialize in just these kinds of
    clients only.


      The courts and judges and child services
      systems are not only stacked against men, but
      the prejudice and the open hostility towards
      fathers and men is nourished by most of these
      services. It has to stop. Fathers are equally as
      important in the lives of children as are mothers.
      As well, there should be planning models to
      prevent a spouse from waltzing in, staying
      married for a year, and walking of with half the
      spoils of several generations of work. It is
      unconscionable. Pars.


        Not complaining, just communicating.
        The law sees things in terms of "equal". Fair is only a concept and not tangible. (prove and valuate contribution)
        What to legislate? How I hate that word! Perhaps a limit on the lawyers. Lawyers are people too. Susceptible to greed and conflict.
        Maybe a few 'strings' on child support so it goes to the proper expense. (OH MY BUT THATS NOT FAIR!)
        If the pendulum has swung too far in attitudes towards men it is our own fault.
        Example: All of the most popular sitcoms of the past 30 years and a lot of the TV dramas in the last 15 portray men as idiots, or shallow fools.
        We saw 4 'counselors' that were products of a generation of warped "me" university training. I could share storys that would have you shaking with mirth or rage. I can tell you that as the husband the 'issues' MUST have been with me or my parents! At the end none were qualified to diagnose the problem. Any damn fool can hang a shingle, and the government hires the cheapest one so they are 'free' to us. Would you hire a free carpenter??
        My only real solution rests with the raising of emotionally and psycologically healthy and balanced children with a firm grounding in social skills and a culture of common sense.
        Develop in a way as not to make poor life choices. Be confident, self aware, and empathetic.
        That man or woman would not be sick and they would recognize it when they saw it.
        Finally train them in 'fair'.
        When problems arise they would own their feelings and responsibilitys. Not letting some lawyer (or health 'professional') lead them. And maybe there would be more prenups. They would be better in business as well.
        Parents are human as well and I doubt I will succeed on all fronts. Hopefully there is not too much 'conditioning' going on at home with mom.
        When I look I see a lot of young people getting married today with all these qualitys because they were raised with them. Maybe thats the only way it can change?


          It seems you and i blackpowder have
          travelled much the same road.

          I think it comes down to requirement
          today to be able to take care of
          yourself and provide for yourself. The
          breakup of marriage has become thought
          of as a lifetime pension. Although
          recent rulings have challenged a bit of
          that, the supreme court still sees
          marriage as married for life.

          Yes there are 'disadvantaged' by the
          marriage, but often its 'whatever i can
          get for as long as i can get it'.

          I deeply feel for the people who resort
          to extreme actions out of sheer
          frustration and eventually outright
          rage. It is beyond agony, especially if
          you are the one who did nothing wrong
          and were the 'provider' all along.


            Oh she's only getting half the net worth and no more. Regardless of contribution. thats the law. In the end it's what she does with it that matters. I'll still have to do all the providing.
            What I would like input on is how to go about getting a child agreement that allows me to get help for the kids without her consent, which will never be given. She will never agree to an assessment herself, and based on experience a lot of shrinks aren't experienced enuf to see the truth.
            I'm not asking for help to "fix" the kids. Only tools for myself and the children, so they are not affected by certain behaviour and learn healthy thought processes.
            Is there a lawyer with both a heart and experience in these matters??

            JOKE OF THE DAY

            One afternoon a lawyer was riding in his limousine when he saw two men
            along the road-side eating grass. Disturbed, he ordered his driver to stop to
            investigate. He asked one man, "Why are you eating grass?"

            "We don't have any money for food," the poor man replied. "We have to eat

            "Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I'll feed you," the
            lawyer said.

            "But sir, I have a wife and two children with me. They are over there,
            under that tree."

            "Bring them along," the lawyer replied. Turning to the other
            poor man he stated, "You may come with us, also."

            The second man, in a pitiful voice, then said, "But sir, I also have a
            wife and SIX children with me!"

            "Bring them all as well," the lawyer answered. They all entered the car,
            which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limousine was.

            Once under way, one of the poor fellows turned to the lawyer and said,
            "Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you."

            The lawyer replied, "Glad to do it. You'll really love my place. The grass
            is almost a foot high."

            Come on now...you really didn't think there was such a thing as a
            heartwarming lawyer story...did you???


              She will get what the judge orders you
              to give if you two can't resolve it and
              it may or may not be half. Ongoing
              spousal support may be another issue.

              Things i learned:

              Give NO money until EVERYTHING is
              settled and you have a divorce judgement
              in hand. If you do a property settlement
              only, be sure that money will be used to
              hire more lawyer power.

              Take the lead on getting a joint custody
              agreement to be able to protect your
              kids. You don't need her consent to take
              them to counselling. Get them help as
              the cost is high indeed.

              Keep track of everything, write
              everything down, and discuss nothing
              with her but only with your lawyer.

              If separated, use the kids as equivalent
              to spouse for tax deductions.

              There of course is a lot more, but
              protect those kids smartly, creatively
              and with there mental health in mind. I
              wish i had done more at the time, even
              should have called protective services
              in hindsight.

              Hope this helps. I tried to divorce for
              5 years with someone and know that i
              know what you are going thru. Hang in
              there and be reminded what Willie Nelson
              said, you haven't really lived till you
              have gotten a divorce.


                Hopperbin, I'm looking to invest in the black earth
                area and am looking for potential farming partners
                that are interested in buying new farms to grow
                existing family operations.

                Not sure given what I read is a cautious view you
                hold on property values whether you have appetite
                to buy / operate more farmland.

                I would be a non operating investor and would
                invest capital side-by-side with the farming
                partner. If you happen to know of any folks in the
                black earth area who may be interested in speaking,
                yourself included, I'd be happy to hear about it.


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