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Flea Beetle out Break!!

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    Flea Beetle out Break!!

    Seems since they years ago got rid of
    Lindane the problem keeps coming back.
    Bugs Bugs bugs. Well any one who seeded
    Canola in our area the second week of
    May is going to have to spray. Cupped
    leaves holes in leaves etc. To early for
    Liberty so another time over the fields.
    RR guys can do a half liter rate now and
    AH fun times.
    Market Issues United States: lindane
    is not approved for canola and no
    tolerance has been set.
    The US is the number one oil and meal
    market for Canadian canola worth over
    $800 million per year. Lindane for
    canola was voluntarily removed by the
    manufacturers because it is not approved
    in the U.S. and could become a trade
    Let me get this strait we quit using a
    superior product because the US wont buy
    our Meal. How the hell do they think the
    seed still has lindane in it. Used in
    spring grew a crop crush crop and then
    cant sell the by product because the USA
    thinks it can make it from ground to
    seed. Yea thats based on BS science.
    So we continue to have shit that doesnt
    work and other bugs are now getting

    They were very active last week here. But seed treatments did there job. Yes lots of bite marks but thats a given with the way seed treatments work now. Very little activity the past few days. Alittle concerning at first but seed treatments worked. Damage was higher than normalb/c of very high populations. We all have been warned of high flea beatle presures since last fall. We sprayed matador with r/up on first app just as insurance and to control any cutworms. Just part of spray program now. Liberty, no dig deal, you have to spray grass out anyway, just throw in matador then.
    Why decis? Matador is much safer to work with.


      we are seeing some diamond backs too. have to spray 1 quarter now but i'm hoping to do most at herbicide time. We are going to have to keep scouting !!


        seed treatment only guaranteed to work for 15 days after planting. It usually takes 7-10 days for germination and emergence to occur due to the coating. Seed treatment pretty much useless. Have sprayed matador and such for years now - extra 4-$6 bucks total cost/acre. Just a money grab by the industry. Bring back lindane.


          The issue was totally a trade irritant and at the time i beleive 50% of our canola exports where to the USA. Their growers could have used the issue to kill the industry. Lindane is extensively used in other crops and the US risk cup was full. You are correct SF3, this one was BS and i have to wonder, with the construction of Canadian crush capacity, if this issue as a trade irritant is not much less today.

          Lindane repelled flea beetles, new generation requires actual biting into leaf.


            Canola on canola on canola on canola....

            Seed treatments don't work well on the
            stripe flea beetle btw.


              in our area anything treated with Helix Xtra seems to have bit better protection


                All this chemical is it sustanable . And is it going to bite us in the ass someday.
                I usedto have a bluebird trail of about 20 nest boxes with mabey half being used say 10 yr ago this and last yr have no nesting and only a few tree swalows using the open nests.
                I cant seem to grow turnips or cabbage ,spinach radishes that used to grow like weeds since the big push to canola there is so many bugs that seem to be of newer types, white butterflys cutworms ect. And the scary part is I dont live in a large canola area so dont know how bad it is in the yellow areas of the province (alta). I think it is time to reevaluate the current farming practices.
                And yes I know you wont be able to farm all those thousands of acres without monsanto but mabey thats not a bad thing.


                  Wood ticks hnt me down. I'm a tick-magnet.
                  Can't believe the number if ticks I had on me
                  today. Lots of dragon flies. Lots of spiders this
                  year. And ant hills! I declared war on the ants.
                  More than usual. Hardly any moles. A bear
                  spotted at White Bear Lake. Lots of lady slippers.
                  And unbelievably huge bumble bees. Pars


                    yes parsley yes.. Same here.. And the amount of frogs is mind boggling. They say frogs are first to feel the effects of all chemical use, yet i've never seen or heard so many.


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