My selling history is basically to ethanol plants, 2 years to Cargill for malt when it was worth it, local feed mill takes it no discount, they love it actually. The more I think about it the guy should not reject this seed.
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what is typical for soft wheat Andrew purity?
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problem with contamination is the multiplication factor every year. contrasting class in durum on buying spec is 2% in #1, 3% in #2, 4.3% in 3, 10% in #4 and 49% in #5. Most other milling wheats are based on cwrs tolerances which are much tighter. 0.6% in #1, 1.2% in #2, and I cant remember #3 or lower tolerance. check cgc website. I have level 3 govt grain grading but its been some years since my last upgrade and my book isnt handy, my Kokanee is, sorry
Life is too short to fight over it. Did you tack a
huge seed premium on? If you dont want to
waste your life fighting, just discount the price to
commercial grain and next time test it before you
sell it. Put yourself in his shoes. He paid a
premium for something he thought was Andrew,
couldnt use it. Wasted a lot of time and probably
money. Take the high road.
It is illegal to advertise common seed by variety name. Got to be carefull what your selling because of plant breeders rights. Its not worth it .
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