Tarriffs are a two way street. Ask any livestock guy
about that. Even now under COOL it costs a
Canadian producer 60 to 70 bucks more per head
to submit the identical paper work compared to a
US producer. As far as US dairy and poultry go, are
their subsidies factored in to those price
comparisons? At one time the Govt subsidy on milk
was 100%! Also, don't just compare price - compare
quality as well. Their butter is more likely to be
oleo. And Pars, you pretty much summed it up in
your last sentence - "glad to be home". Perhaps you
betrayed yourself.
about that. Even now under COOL it costs a
Canadian producer 60 to 70 bucks more per head
to submit the identical paper work compared to a
US producer. As far as US dairy and poultry go, are
their subsidies factored in to those price
comparisons? At one time the Govt subsidy on milk
was 100%! Also, don't just compare price - compare
quality as well. Their butter is more likely to be
oleo. And Pars, you pretty much summed it up in
your last sentence - "glad to be home". Perhaps you
betrayed yourself.