Coville Properties Ltd.; 1500-1881 Scarth St, Regina Sk S4P4K9 Client # 125944320
101176596 Saskatchewan Ltd.; 243 Shoreacres Road, Burlington, ON L7L2H3
Hui Ye nothing registered.
Suggest Corporate search for the "101176596 Saskatchewan Ltd." corporate name
Hint: Even the period after "Ltd" determinines if your search will be successful
Expectation is that you will also try to help someone else out today; and that you will post what you find out.
Further hint is to a Client Number search on the client numbers of the companies listed above. You should get a list of all the land parcels in Sask that is registered to each company. I can't seem to get that to work just now; so am expecting that you will post this interesting information for all of us to see. Further; the BS passed back and forth at coffee shops could be compared to the actual market values of the declared values from Land Titles (ISC)
101176596 Saskatchewan Ltd.; 243 Shoreacres Road, Burlington, ON L7L2H3
Hui Ye nothing registered.
Suggest Corporate search for the "101176596 Saskatchewan Ltd." corporate name
Hint: Even the period after "Ltd" determinines if your search will be successful
Expectation is that you will also try to help someone else out today; and that you will post what you find out.
Further hint is to a Client Number search on the client numbers of the companies listed above. You should get a list of all the land parcels in Sask that is registered to each company. I can't seem to get that to work just now; so am expecting that you will post this interesting information for all of us to see. Further; the BS passed back and forth at coffee shops could be compared to the actual market values of the declared values from Land Titles (ISC)