Think about this cottenpick
Think about the world in the past 8 years, u.s. banking system and economy nearly colapesed (and still may, hopefully not) Greece is broke, spain and italy are nearly there, irealand, portugal still a reck, france is in trouble, who know what the hell is eventually going to happen in Germany, china, the largest economy in the world has slowed down consecutivly the last eight months, bank don't have credit so tough for people to get credit, unemployment going higher, most of the heavy hitter of the world have so much debt they cant even agree on how they are going to pay it off, ........ get my point?
150 - 200 dollar my be a thing of the future, but REST ASSURED, a very, very distant future.
I hate, absolutely hate being pesimistic, but for me the writing on the wall is just to large to ignore.
Think about the world in the past 8 years, u.s. banking system and economy nearly colapesed (and still may, hopefully not) Greece is broke, spain and italy are nearly there, irealand, portugal still a reck, france is in trouble, who know what the hell is eventually going to happen in Germany, china, the largest economy in the world has slowed down consecutivly the last eight months, bank don't have credit so tough for people to get credit, unemployment going higher, most of the heavy hitter of the world have so much debt they cant even agree on how they are going to pay it off, ........ get my point?
150 - 200 dollar my be a thing of the future, but REST ASSURED, a very, very distant future.
I hate, absolutely hate being pesimistic, but for me the writing on the wall is just to large to ignore.