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Flooding..... And now wheat. Not too bad, but MB got f*ked over again.

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    Flooding..... And now wheat. Not too bad, but MB got f*ked over again.

    As the subject says.

    High winds blew over hundreds of bins. Tore the top off of the P&H elevator in Gilbert plains, tore out 100 year old trees, and smashed some houses. Also some hail in areas... we
    missed it, but still WET!!!

    Some pics.


    Those two are the stuff that escaped the flood. This one was hit by the flood.

    <img src="http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/603420_10151240402454689_536306249_n.jpg"/>

    If this is the first time that crop has
    been wet this year you have nothing to
    worry about. That is the stage you do your
    last flood on flood irrigation. It's those
    of us who have been wet since May 24 that
    have wheat still in the 4 leaf stage
    sitting in standing water that are effed.


      Looks Fine To Me. Probly do a 100 Bu To Thee Acre, Catch another Rain er Two..........


        Can almost see a gopher run. No offense
        intended. This crop needed moisture.


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