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Farmer not a vigilante

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    What are you suppose to do? The cops
    don't care, they say oh it's just
    property theft/damage, that's why you
    have insurance. The courts don't care,
    they say it's because of fetal alcohol
    or residential school, or not enough
    hugs as child.

    It starts with sleds and quads, next
    thing it's trucks and farm machinery and
    now you're talking about my livelihood.

    How many good kids would horse around
    stealing shit if the knew they could be
    on the loud end of a twelve gauge?

    I hate property crimes because more
    often then not you don't have the
    opportunity to defend yourself.



      Property can be replaced... lives can't.

      If society thinks the 'fear of God' is only for 'old' foggies like me... then it will all go sideways in any event.

      Life is too short to shoot at people... if they aren't shooting/aming directly at us! Self defence is the only exception... to save family/friends/neighbours.


        Its a very old fact that what you show you will tolerate is exactly what you will be subjected to.


          I know that it's a slippery slope but to
          play devils advocate many of these lives
          would be best not replaced. These are
          the same lives that are selling drugs to
          your children, turning your daughters
          into prostitutes and turning your sons
          into their workhorses, these are the
          thugs running around your streets
          spraying people with bear spray, beating
          the shit out them and mugging them over
          pocket change and an iPod. Many of them
          making more money than you could hope to
          while still collecting a monthly cheque
          from the tax payer they are stealing
          from. We are not talking about mischievous adolescents out for shits
          and giggles, we a talking about pros who
          know they won't get shot at and know
          that the cops would rather hand out
          traffic tickets and catch drunk drivers
          than catch real criminals. Mind you
          even some of them if you get enough beer
          in them will say, we know who they are
          and we won't go looking if they go
          missing. Something is wrong here and it
          doesn't start with the person defending
          himself or property. We really need to
          revisit the meaning of criminal and
          victim and get that straight again.


            Maybe these thieves took their lessons from the Alberta government?
            Steal from the farmers whenever you feel like it?
            A good stout rope and a big poplar tree would put an end to all these thieves....both government and other assorted low lifes!



              It is very difficult to change expectations: when those in charge/gov's are willing to steal from future generations to pad their pockets in the near term.

              No wonder the next generation is annoyed and sees this injustice.


                We were broken into about 7 months ago, our shed, while we were home. We lost alot of possesions some of which can be replaced, some not. The feeling of intrusion and anger is hard to describe, and the sleepless nights continue to this day. Until a person experiences a situation like this themselves, it's hard to cast judgement upon those who have. Our area has been hit repeatedly by a specific group and it's too bad that something like this case is going to happen sooner or later. Unfortunatley, sometimes a line has to be drawn in the sand, and Mr Knight did just that. I totally agree with farmaholics comments, its the justice system that allows this to continue. The police cannot be blamed 100%, as usually their hard work is rewarded by a sentence that is unbelievably soft, as in this case.
                I have a plan for when my theives return, as they will, protecting my family is number one, but it's unfortunate that I have to be put in this situation. It makes a person wonder who has more rights, us or the thieves.
                Good luck Mr. Knight, it's too bad judgement is cast on you for a situation you did not create.

                No haters please, just my opinion.


                  We were broken into, everything vandalized.
                  Bumpers pulled off all the vehicles. Grain trucks
                  rolled in the fields. There were great tire tracks,
                  muddy fingerprints everywhere. Cops came out
                  and were photographing their own tracks. They
                  did absolutely nothing when everyone knew who
                  the culprits were. NOTHING! They said go to
                  your insurance. In other words, "dont expect us
                  to question anyone." if they would hold a few of
                  these nimrods up, maybe we'd get results.


                    In the early nineties I got ripped off. New house. Kicked the door in, even though it wasn't locked.
                    Useless cops came out and didn't do anything. Two neighbors got the same treatment.
                    Insurance covered about 15% of actual value.
                    When coyotes steal your chickens what do you do?
                    When human coyotes steal your stuff what should you do?
                    Use the famous three "S" policy that Ralph Klein suggested for cattle during the BSE crisis.


                      Just told that the safest thing you can do is simply phone the police. Otherwise; just abouut any course of action you take can get you into serious trouble.

                      Looks like the justice system is just as flawed as the other compents of our supposed democratic system.

                      Its getting hard to be positive about communities; justice administration; democratic rights and secrecy/privacy.

                      And this is happening under the watch of various government leaders, appointed officials, the justice system and especially the citizens who can't/won't do anything about it.

                      Thats how cynicism and disenchantment turns into selfishly preserving and promoting personal interests.


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