"Six power-generating stations in Alberta failed Monday as a heat wave hit the province, causing rolling blackouts and pleas for consumers to cut back on energy use.
Alberta rarely forces power distributors to curtail demand – it last did so six years ago – but with an unusually high number of power generating facilities sitting idle, Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) forced companies like Enmax Energy Corp. and Epcor Utilities Inc. to employ rolling blackouts Monday afternoon"...
I wonder what Alee the Red was doing yesterday... do you think she lost her air in her office yesterday????
Alberta rarely forces power distributors to curtail demand – it last did so six years ago – but with an unusually high number of power generating facilities sitting idle, Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) forced companies like Enmax Energy Corp. and Epcor Utilities Inc. to employ rolling blackouts Monday afternoon"...
I wonder what Alee the Red was doing yesterday... do you think she lost her air in her office yesterday????