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Power outages in AB...

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    Power outages in AB...

    "Six power-generating stations in Alberta failed Monday as a heat wave hit the province, causing rolling blackouts and pleas for consumers to cut back on energy use.

    Alberta rarely forces power distributors to curtail demand – it last did so six years ago – but with an unusually high number of power generating facilities sitting idle, Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) forced companies like Enmax Energy Corp. and Epcor Utilities Inc. to employ rolling blackouts Monday afternoon"...


    I wonder what Alee the Red was doing yesterday... do you think she lost her air in her office yesterday????

    Power rate increases enroute. Fraud in
    the power market reins, enron tactics
    which stole millions from consumers. On
    the other hand wes suckers in Albertie are
    just like Californies now! Comedian
    pheasants will wanna pay higher bills ta
    stop the brownouts. What a huge pile of


      Wow that much problems with power in AB
      this quickly. It is not like the weather
      was unprecedented. Every time we get a
      warm day the CBC is acting like we never
      had them before in order to peddle global
      warming. It was dead calm yesterday, so I
      think that we have too many wind
      generators and that left us with no power.


        Its all a plot to squeeze more money from US.

        My power bill is now almost three times what it used to be ten years ago. Totally unacceptable and totally unnecessary if we had a government with any guts or brains.




          Canola... machines... you name it... 3x up


            All you good PC suporters out ther thank STEVE WEST KING RALPHS HIT MAN if the good people of alta had any balls they would hang the bastard in the pulic square.


              Four major generators go down all at the same time? Sounds pretty suspicious!

              Wind in Alberta only supplies 7% of power at maximum conditions.

              New solar panels developed in China would allow the average house with one side facing south to actually produce 3 times the power it would actually use! 70% more efficient than anything available today in Canada......and 30% cheaper....with a guaranteed 50 year life span! Why isn't it available?.....a 276% Canadian import tax!

              Former Conservative MLA and environment critic, Bob Mills (Red Deer), told me this. He produces his own electricity (using Canadian Solar. It cost him $55,000 (in 2006).....he says he could replace the Canadian solar panels with the new Chinese panels for $20,000 and produce enough power for his own use plus about $500/month for sale!

              If we want to "save the planet from the evil C02" why isn't our government encouraging it?


                It a conspiracy to extort more money out
                of the Alberta Advantage, where con
                men/girls are at work every day. Money
                flows back to the gobermont, which is part
                of the conspiracy. Couldn't happen in
                Comedia you say???????


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