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ten dollar wheat

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    Thanks for the ethanol link Charlie, Interesting
    yes,not sure on its conclusions though.

    Is it saying the ethanol plants where production is
    reduced will close?


      its getting closer, up to $9.50 today



        A good question/long ways away from here. There will be voluntary shutdowns. If the current corn price trend continues, there are also likely to be bankruptcies for those that didn't manage price risk. I suspect old technology plans may be get mothballed and newer plants will come back on line (perhaps with new ownership). The mandate still exists although I see congress has the ability to modify under extra ordinary circumstances (whatever that means).


          Very good comments from everyone( esp Errol and Charlie), just saying it is ridiculas to call record crops in Aril, May. You guys could school me in a second on markeing and how markets work, just giving a laymans terms too actuality of crop conditions as I and many other know for real( We have customers from 3 soil zones). A short drive confirmed what I know and it gets worse farther out in three directios from here. Canola and peas in trouble and wht, v good. Very little anything else. Any barley/oats is baddly diseased. Heat stress starting to show for sure even in good areas.


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