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    Dear Charlie et. El;

    I hear over and over... Federal Conservatives have recked Canada!???


    I can sell my #2 13px high ergot wheat at the local elevator... upgraded through a colour sorter... for $8.50/bu delivered after Aug 1 2012.

    And I can sell the wheat to the CWB, or Viterra... at my local elevator... at prices that are now competitive with local Ontario prices.


    What a difference a year makes. The CWB is now competitive... with much higher wheat prices... I can meet all my bill payments with cash from grain sales... Canola new crop $14/bu I see...

    As for the rest of the CDN economy... I think Monte Solberg sums it up well in this article:

    "Canada is alive and well, thank you

    By Monte Solberg ,QMI Agency, First posted: Sunday, July 15, 2012 06:00 PM MDT

    Recently I received an e-mail from someone who informed me that Stephen Harper had destroyed Canada.

    This was news to me because, even as I read his e-mail, I was sitting in Canada, which didn’t look like it had been destroyed. Being a nice summer day, Canada looked especially lovely dressed in greens against a backdrop of blue sky. Nevertheless, I sensed my virtual friend was angry and I suppose it was his opinion that Stephen Harper had made Canada a less attractive place to live.

    I really don’t want to be contrary, but based on all the indicators Canada really is an excellent place to live, even if you don’t like the current occupant of 24 Sussex Drive. Don’t take my word for it, check out the UN Human Development Index, which placed Canada sixth in 2011. For some perspective, France was 20th, which must be upsetting to French citizens like Thomas Mulcair. Consider that for a moment. Canada, with our oilsands and pipelines and with a Conservative in the prime minister’s office, still ended up in sixth place on a UN index!

    Anyway, let’s forget about all of that stuff. The people at the UN are not the most credible folks given their habit of putting countries like Iran, North Korea and Syria on committees that influence international arms agreements and human rights. The UN is a kind of Narnia for people with lots of academic qualifications but without the sense that God gave a goose.

    But back to poor old Canada, who according to rumour has been murdered by her own prime minister. The latest evidence the government’s critics point to is Budget 2012. Yes, in this game of Clue, the prime minister allegedly bludgeoned Canada to death in the House of Commons with the 450-page Budget Implementation Act.

    But here’s the thing, Canada is actually alive and well. Jobs are being created. The country’s finances are improving and investment is flowing in. Well yes, say critics, but what about the environment? Actually the Conservatives even addressed environmental issues the Liberals only talked about. They imposed tough new limits on GHG emissions from transportation and electricity generation.

    But wait, say other critics, the changes to the Fisheries Act contained in the budget show the government is intent upon selling the environment down some stinking, pollution-choked river. But just last week the government announced plans to clamp down on municipalities that still spew 150 billion litres of sewage a year into Canada’s lakes, rivers and oceans.

    The Conservatives are also putting in place a new National Conservation Plan to protect biodiversity.

    Yes, the Conservatives are cutting scientific and environmental programming in some areas, but they are undertaking important new scientific and environmental initiatives in others. That doesn’t seem to fit the theory the government is either anti-environment or anti-science.

    My point is only that sometimes critics create caricatures of the government that are then contradicted by things like, well, evidence.

    No, Canada is not perfect, but the evidence shows that in many important ways it’s getting better."

    We are Soooo blessed... I have to pinch myself to believe I actually live in the best Country in the world!


    God Bless Canada!

    Yes Tom...Canada is doing well DESPITE Harper. Just be careful and don't grow more than six marijuana plants or you'll get a minimum of three years in the hoosegow.



      Ahhhhh... your response explains your many and 'diverse' responses!

      The local garden must be very interesting at your seniors facility!

      You really need more than 6 plants for your salad Wilagro?


        Yes Tom, Fascism is alive and well and governing in Ottawa.


          zeg heil HARPER. The furer knows what
          he's doin! Now ifn we kin get to work on
          the final solution, Comedia will be a
          remarkable place ta live and breath!!


            Some of the stuff Harper is doing is good.....some not so good?
            I like the idea of smaller government and it finally looks like Harper is moving in that direction with some cuts to civil service?
            I think his idea of throwing the "health care" gong show back to the provinces is a good idea?
            The Canadian Wheat Board had to go, so kudos to him for getting it done?
            The same for the gun registry?

            However.....This ongoing military buildup isn't necessary, and the crooked stuff like the fighter jet contracts sure aren't right?
            Some of the crooked stuff with the elections and poroguing Parliment is just wrong on so many levels?
            Selling us out to the corporations through the Trans Pacific "trade deal" is little short of a scandal?
            I think Harper is a little too much snuggled up to the oil companies?

            Other than that the CP government is doing a fairly competent job.


              Mustard, Fascistic are just raging
              socialist with a disregard for human
              rights. I wouldn't call Harper a raging


                Without porouging parliment we would have had a coalition government of Libs,dippers and the almighty Bloc whose sole objective was to brake up the country. He took the necessary hardline approach when it was absolutely neccesary. Have they done everything right, I doubt it but consider the alternative.



                  I agree. Well said.

                  We are soooo blessed here... soooo happy that Goodales revenge is done... and we can turn a good year... into a fabulous opportunity! We will be very happy if we get to start paying income tax.

                  Since 2006 the Conservative tax cuts have put $200B into Canadians pockets... instead of in spending the federal gov. would have done.

                  Canadian people are much better at deciding where money should be spent... which is why we have elected a Strong Stable National Majority Conservative Government.



                    Tom: Cutting taxes and running a huge deficit...just plain STUPID.

                    Run your own business like that and bankruptcy comes to mind.

                    Borrowed money to pay for borrowed money is...I repeat...STUPID.

                    You apparently are a Bible reader...isn't there something about "cutting your cloth" to fit your means ...or something like that?

                    We need strong fiscal management not more planes, tanks and warships.


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