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    If an election was held today....those "dippers" might very well be running the show?
    That tells me a lot of people aren't very happy with the Harper government?
    An interesting side line:
    In the Alberta election we took a totally inexperienced young lady (Wildrose) and ran her against an Alberta cabinet minister. We waxed him....because we had a team of true believers! Don't count out the power of people who "believe"!
    They'll beat apathy and "dancing with the stars" every day of the week!
    If Muclair can galvanize enough people......he will be your next Prime minister!


      On ABC News yesterday they reported that Canadians" average net worth is now higher than the the average net worth of Americans.

      Bring on more destruction!


        ado089 You'd better go back to your poly science class. Look up fascism and they are very Anti union,Pro business,Media Control Freaks with a belief in Very Strong military and Police state no matter what the cost.
        Corruption in their party doesn't matter as long as it keeps them in Power.. SOUND Familiar?


          Mustard, I will address this point by

          Anti-Union - Yup, that's because all the business is state run and you need to sacrifice for the greater good of the

          Pro-Business - Yup, if you want to call
          state owned/managed monopolies

          -Media Control - You mean like the unshakable left leaning slant that is
          present in all but some select specialty
          media networks, that drives class warfare. Pointing out every flaw in conservative judgement while defending
          flat out corruption and stupidity of
          prominent liberals. CBC, CNBC...

          Military/Police - Would that be like the
          liberal tenant of out-lawing anything
          you do not understand, believe in or are
          threatened by?

          Corruption- come on! both sides own that
          one equally.

          Fascism is just a word that was invented
          for unpopular socialist governments.


            Braveheart et. el;

            These are the words of common sense and I am proud to have Mrs. Harper as Canada's special envoy to the world!

            Hard work will overcome any of your shortfalls

            By Laureen Harper, Calgary Herald, July 18, 2012

            Editor’s note: The following is a speech Laureen Harper delivered to the graduating class of her alma mater, Oilfields High School, on June 28, in Black Diamond.

            It’s my pleasure to be back home at Oilfields. This school has given me many wonderful memories. It was 31 years ago today that I was where you all are this afternoon. Actually, when I look into the audience, I see some of my classmates — your parents. After all these years, I love being surrounded by people like you — some of whom I have known since you were born. I also knew many of your grandparents — and probably even some great-grandparents.

            The Oilfields area is a great place to live and a wonderful place to grow up — there is nowhere like it. In Turner Valley, I loved the opportunity to spend the summer outside: swimming, lifeguarding, riding dirt bikes, and riding my horse, Jack, along all the back roads.

            I know many people who lived in our cities and they have had access to lots of great world-class programs. But did they ride in a tire tube from the Wells to the Black Diamond bridge? People can’t believe our parents would drive us up the river and let us go. Some of you still do stuff like that because the Bigsmoke family still has those old inner tubes. I know, because I have borrowed them. The Oilfields area was, and still is, a great place to stay active and enjoy the outdoors. Those activities taught me a lot about leadership and friendship — and they taught me how to have fun without spending money.

            I also learned to believe in myself. Our outdoor education teacher, Joe Jacobson, took us on some outdoor challenges, which at the time, we thought were tough. There was lots of complaining, but when we all get together, we still talk about that mountain we climbed and how we felt at the top. I know this is the part of the speech where I am supposed to tell you how important it is to pursue your dreams. And that is important; one of my dreams was to travel around the world, and I did that, and it was wonderful.

            But I believe even more than that, is you need to realize that you can go far in this world if you work hard. You will compete against people who went to expensive private schools, people who have connections that you don’t have, or people who have more money than you do. And you cannot compete against that. In fact, sometimes you feel inadequate when you hear about the fancy schools your competitors will come from — schools with several thousand kids, with dozens of different options to choose from.

            But there is one way you can compete, and that is with hard work. You can go a long way in this world with hard work. It shouldn’t be too hard for you either, since you had great role models. Your grandparents worked very hard to build Millarville, Turner Valley, Black Diamond and Longview — and all those ranches in between. I know your parents have worked hard, too. We aren’t from a place where life comes easy. But you can outwork your competition.

            So it was the experiences of growing up in Alberta’s Foothills that inspired me to work hard and to follow my dreams. I studied at SAIT and started my own business in Calgary. But I was also interested in politics. People who know the Teskey family know that we have opinions. Our convictions. And we’ve been known to share them.

            My father always was involved in local politics, and so we often talked about it around the kitchen table. That got me involved in politics. I volunteered as a local organizer. It’s something I’ve always been passionate about. Through politics, I’ve met some very interesting people along the way . . . including one man in particular.

            And since our family has moved to Ottawa, I’ve learned even more about how volunteers can make a difference. I’ve been working closely with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. That’s just a natural thing for a farm girl to do. I miss being surrounded by animals.

            And I also miss the hiking trails here in the Foothills. It is also nice to see the Friendship Trail between Turner Valley and Black Diamond still being used. Our parents built that trail when we were in high school. We even volunteered to work on the trail (or our parents volunteered us, actually).

            I remember one hot June day when we were in Grade 11, hiding down by the river rather than working on the trail, although I am sure none of you students here today would do anything like that. Today, my son will hide out at the mall, and I feel sorry for him. Hiding out on Three Point Creek, the Sheep River or the Highwood have to be three of the most beautiful places on Earth.

            And now I’m helping to raise money to complete the Trans Canada Trail. Once it is finished, people really will be able to hike or bike, on one continuous trail, all the way from coast-to-coast-to-coast. That trail will truly be a dream come true, but also one that included lots of hard work. And once the trail is finished, it will also prove that the goals we imagine, in towns like Turner Valley, are always within reach. We started with a three-kilometre trail, and now I am helping complete one 23,000 kilometres in length.

            I know you are all excited to get going into your life, and listening to mother give you advice is the last thing you want. But I am going to give you advice anyway. And in no particular order I want you to work hard, play hard and volunteer for something you believe in.

            Thank you and congratulations.

            Laureen Harper is Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s wife and a graduate of Oilfields High School in Black Diamond.

            With words like this... it is truly hard to fathom that Mus et.el; are talking about the same family I have grown to know. Honest, Faithful, Full of Hope, and a Love for Canada second to none.


            God Bless Canada!!!



              As I remember it the Opposition Three: Dippers, Liberano's and Bloc; set up the 2009-14 budget spending and we were with international agreements on the spending... PM Harper did our share to help the world overcome a difficult recession.

              The LOVE of Money is the root of all kinds of Evil...

              Canada the best Country on the Planet... And I am very proud to be a Canadian.

              Jason Kenny did a great job at the BBQ in Edm. Saturday night. I know the people who escorted the young man out who disrupted Minister Kenny's speach.

              And a mid aged lady was quietly led out as well... who also had a screem/chant delivered to us... somewhat like Mustard loves to rant.

              Folks were treated respectfully. They were given a chance to talk things through(before and after the formal meeting)... and CHOSE to disrupt and bring about the actions they wanted... to be led away while screaming and chanting... the preplanned actions were clear.

              None of us expected this to happen... but we are prepared to protect and serve those who work so hard to make Canada a better country.

              No pre-meetings were needed to say who or how to deal with these folks... common sense and dignity were the objectives... and were carried out in an orderly manner.



                TOM4CWB: Nice to see that you are still rubbing shoulders with the IN crowd. What ever happened to your flirtation with the Wilted Rose Party?

                Oh, I get it...provincially not a CON supporter...just federally.

                Hard to keep track of your loyalties.


                  As I said earlier, at least Harper seems to be moving in the right direction on reducing the size of government.

                  However, this military spending....is that where we want to go? Has Harper bought into this American dream of conquering the world?

                  Maybe it's time to step back and reconsider? It is not our business.

                  The F35 scandal is disturbing. Cooking the books and fudging the numbers, doesn't inspire much confidence in a government?

                  Being a cheerleader for any man and holding him and his family up as a paragon of virtue isn't usually a good idea? Quite often they will prove you wrong. Very wrong!


                    ado089 The nazis routinely rounded up suspected communists and executed them along with the jews.
                    The nazis were Not a Socialist government. They were a Fascist government.



                      I will take Brad Wall and PM Harper any day over Obama and his troop of socialist worshipers of politically correct gov.

                      I truly hope the AB P.C. folks had enough of an encounter with reality... that they will follow Brad and PM Harper.

                      'Near Death' experiences do wake me up...

                      Want to guess who had the biggest cheer of all the elected visiting prov. officials at the BBQ on Saturday?

                      Her initials were D....

                      Conservatism in Alberta and Sask. is alive and well!!!


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