With the cwb finally being voluntary we decided to treat ourselves to a substantial increase in wheat acres this spring.I was thinking what we'll do is swath about a 1/4 or maybe a 1/3 of this acres. I'm thinking with a grain cart why not swath this with a pull type swather? I notice most pt swather's are not a true center delivery, ie the hole is not in the middle. By having a lot more grain or swath on one side of the swath does this effect combine preformance? I see most used pt swathers for sale are case/ih is there a reason for this? And what else am i missing. thanks
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any one got experince with pt swather?
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The vast majority of combine harvesters are rotary... and even conventionals don't cause a problem if the swath is centered in the feederhouse. The material coming out of the swather hole is relatively even across the machine opening... the true centre of the swath is closer to one side.
We had a 24 foot push header offset with a bydirectional Vers for decades... and a 8820... 9600... Conv. and the overloading of one side was not a problem. If you go round and round... the distance is also the same between swaths.
A pickup reel is always a great help in down grain.... especially if you go round and round.
Hope you have fun this harvest!
Fjlip, you are correct. The caseih and John Deere
swathers we're built by same company. I have a
caseih 725, brother inlaw had the John Deere
equivalent. I loved the pull type swather. Made an
excellent swath, drove around and around all day
with a low powered tractor, easy on fuel. I
changed to more straight cut harvesting and Have
not used my 725 for about 4 years but I keep it
around because it works well.
<a href="http://s1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh485/wittman37/?action=view&amp;current=IMG_0266.jpg" target="_blank"></a>
This swather is for sale. Cheap
Oops forgot to mention, it is a JD 590, 30 foot. It wasn't initially put away in this position, Mother Nature didn't like where I put it, so she decided to move it.
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