Take a look at what the CWB has done to the CWES wheat!
I was told shipping by the CWB of this premium class of wheat will almost disappear next year.
Elevators don't want it, just like CPS White, they need to blend it into CPS RED to move it out through the system in a timely manner.
No wonder no-one likes our CPS/CWES wheats.
The last benchmarking CWB study has a fatal flaw, the flawed assumption is that the CWB holds up world prices because of its monopoly.
Ask a cannary seed or yellow mustard seed buyer about how quickly farmers gave their special crops away, and how competitive they must be to survive!
CWB price discrimination is a chance for the CWB to have cheap give away sales without any farmer ever knowing what you are up to. If we knew, what your giveaway prices were, we would never deliver the grain to you.
Competition means you can't do give aways, and that is what you are so afraid of.
Farmers working together can extract a premium price, without the CWB, just ask any cattle feeder who had to buy barley last winter in western Canada!
The CWB's old tired lines are getting worn out. It is sad when you won't get with reality in 2002 and work for the privelege of marketing my grain, instead you think it is your right.
You got away with this for a long time, how much longer will we believe you on blind faith and shrinking margins alone?
Take a look at what the CWB has done to the CWES wheat!
I was told shipping by the CWB of this premium class of wheat will almost disappear next year.
Elevators don't want it, just like CPS White, they need to blend it into CPS RED to move it out through the system in a timely manner.
No wonder no-one likes our CPS/CWES wheats.
The last benchmarking CWB study has a fatal flaw, the flawed assumption is that the CWB holds up world prices because of its monopoly.
Ask a cannary seed or yellow mustard seed buyer about how quickly farmers gave their special crops away, and how competitive they must be to survive!
CWB price discrimination is a chance for the CWB to have cheap give away sales without any farmer ever knowing what you are up to. If we knew, what your giveaway prices were, we would never deliver the grain to you.
Competition means you can't do give aways, and that is what you are so afraid of.
Farmers working together can extract a premium price, without the CWB, just ask any cattle feeder who had to buy barley last winter in western Canada!
The CWB's old tired lines are getting worn out. It is sad when you won't get with reality in 2002 and work for the privelege of marketing my grain, instead you think it is your right.
You got away with this for a long time, how much longer will we believe you on blind faith and shrinking margins alone?