Overall, can you guys pinpoint which
impacts yield the most? The shitty
weather at the beginning of the year,
the disease during the middle, or the
weather to finish the crop?
And when do you think the traders
realize this isn't the crop that was
here last year?
From what I hear and what I see on my
farm, I lost more acres after seeding to
moisture than the mistakes my hired
people made, there is more disease and
the weather to finish looks like it may
cut yield. Oh throw on some hail for
good measure.
But luckily the slough acres are coming
back to seed for next year. Always next
year. But those lake days and a string
of pickeral make it worthwhile.
impacts yield the most? The shitty
weather at the beginning of the year,
the disease during the middle, or the
weather to finish the crop?
And when do you think the traders
realize this isn't the crop that was
here last year?
From what I hear and what I see on my
farm, I lost more acres after seeding to
moisture than the mistakes my hired
people made, there is more disease and
the weather to finish looks like it may
cut yield. Oh throw on some hail for
good measure.
But luckily the slough acres are coming
back to seed for next year. Always next
year. But those lake days and a string
of pickeral make it worthwhile.