You can call me whatever you feel so inclined to spout...
I was afraid we were not going to see Liberty and Freedom in my life time.
My Grandfather took the CWB to court in 1939; for taking money out of the pooling accounts... He lived to almost 101... in 3 centuries 1899 to 2000... and he did not see the freedom we had worked hoped and prayed for. Our family were founders of Alberta Wheat Pool...yet all too often we were given one grade less than UGG members... for the same quality wheat.
In 1882 we grew our first crop of Oats at Clover Bar... the mounties at(Fort EDM)were getting oats from Great Falls MT. The oats at Clover Bar went 70bu/ac that year!!!
So my great grandfather thought if Oats grows this well we can grow WHEAT.
Everyone in town said we were idiots.
Next year (1883) we planted wheat... and sure enough... 45bu/ac good Milling Quality.
30 day trips to Winnipeg (for supplies with wagons) because the rail was not in yet...
Freedom was VERY hard fought for on our farm... the sacrifices of so many to make our Country the best place to live in on the face of this earth... is VERY much appreciated by this Patriot!!!
God Bless Canada, May we stand NORTH strong and free.
You can call me whatever you feel so inclined to spout...
I was afraid we were not going to see Liberty and Freedom in my life time.
My Grandfather took the CWB to court in 1939; for taking money out of the pooling accounts... He lived to almost 101... in 3 centuries 1899 to 2000... and he did not see the freedom we had worked hoped and prayed for. Our family were founders of Alberta Wheat Pool...yet all too often we were given one grade less than UGG members... for the same quality wheat.
In 1882 we grew our first crop of Oats at Clover Bar... the mounties at(Fort EDM)were getting oats from Great Falls MT. The oats at Clover Bar went 70bu/ac that year!!!
So my great grandfather thought if Oats grows this well we can grow WHEAT.
Everyone in town said we were idiots.
Next year (1883) we planted wheat... and sure enough... 45bu/ac good Milling Quality.
30 day trips to Winnipeg (for supplies with wagons) because the rail was not in yet...
Freedom was VERY hard fought for on our farm... the sacrifices of so many to make our Country the best place to live in on the face of this earth... is VERY much appreciated by this Patriot!!!
God Bless Canada, May we stand NORTH strong and free.