Thanks Hobbyfrmr for detailing the process. I
thought for a minute you were being a little tongue
and cheek in detailing just how easy it was but I
guess you were serious. I only ever had one
experience and it was just to learn how the process
worked. It involved a load of Durum to Conrad. I
followed the Alberta Ag. guide book procedures to
export grain to the US. As instructed, I hired a
broker in Great Falls to look after all things South of
the Border. Had to pay $250.00 in advance. Turns
out he didn't do anything and denied he ever heard
of me. I took a physical sample to the elevator and
got exactly grade, dockage and price as promised.
But, I hired a trucker and loaded a super B load out,
He had to split at Coutts and make 2 trips to
Conrad. He got nailed for the rear trailer being
overloaded (which was BS) and had to pay on the
spot or be impounded. In the end I reimbursed him.
At the time, there was over $1.50 bu premium for
durum across the line and on 1600 bus more or
less I think I still made about $25.00. But that was
the end for me.
thought for a minute you were being a little tongue
and cheek in detailing just how easy it was but I
guess you were serious. I only ever had one
experience and it was just to learn how the process
worked. It involved a load of Durum to Conrad. I
followed the Alberta Ag. guide book procedures to
export grain to the US. As instructed, I hired a
broker in Great Falls to look after all things South of
the Border. Had to pay $250.00 in advance. Turns
out he didn't do anything and denied he ever heard
of me. I took a physical sample to the elevator and
got exactly grade, dockage and price as promised.
But, I hired a trucker and loaded a super B load out,
He had to split at Coutts and make 2 trips to
Conrad. He got nailed for the rear trailer being
overloaded (which was BS) and had to pay on the
spot or be impounded. In the end I reimbursed him.
At the time, there was over $1.50 bu premium for
durum across the line and on 1600 bus more or
less I think I still made about $25.00. But that was
the end for me.