Don't know of any small federally inspected plants -
cost of regulation makes them cost prohibitive -
provincially inspected is the norm. The Saskatoon
place Hobby mentioned is provincially inspected.
Winkler meats is the only federal plant i've heard of in
As far as I know in AB there is nowhere that does
custom cut and wrap beef at a federally inspected
plant. The Cargill plant doesn't do custom period, the
XL plant (Nillsons) does some custom work for at
least one bigger scale branded beef outfit but it
involves kill and chill only with cryovaced sides or
primals going out to be processed at retail
destination. The Canadian Premium plant at Lacombe
is the only successful upstart federally inspected
plant since BSE in Alberta. They custom kill for a few
branded beef programs but again it is only kill and
chill, cut into primals and shipped out. None of these
plants have the ability to dry age beef so that is a deal
breaker for me anyway.
cost of regulation makes them cost prohibitive -
provincially inspected is the norm. The Saskatoon
place Hobby mentioned is provincially inspected.
Winkler meats is the only federal plant i've heard of in
As far as I know in AB there is nowhere that does
custom cut and wrap beef at a federally inspected
plant. The Cargill plant doesn't do custom period, the
XL plant (Nillsons) does some custom work for at
least one bigger scale branded beef outfit but it
involves kill and chill only with cryovaced sides or
primals going out to be processed at retail
destination. The Canadian Premium plant at Lacombe
is the only successful upstart federally inspected
plant since BSE in Alberta. They custom kill for a few
branded beef programs but again it is only kill and
chill, cut into primals and shipped out. None of these
plants have the ability to dry age beef so that is a deal
breaker for me anyway.