Corn fed cattle vs barley fed is common
knowledge the taste differance. If you
marble your cattle on high energy grass
that land could probably grow barley or
grain as well. Also the genetics you use
may be british cattle like welsh black
or wagu. So in fact like alot of organic
grain farmers you are losing maximum
production to obtain a product for a
niche market. Good for you for suppling
a product . What type of grass produces
a fat as white as barley? Do you finish
your cattle on standing barley?
knowledge the taste differance. If you
marble your cattle on high energy grass
that land could probably grow barley or
grain as well. Also the genetics you use
may be british cattle like welsh black
or wagu. So in fact like alot of organic
grain farmers you are losing maximum
production to obtain a product for a
niche market. Good for you for suppling
a product . What type of grass produces
a fat as white as barley? Do you finish
your cattle on standing barley?