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Grass Vs. Grain Fed Beef Discussion Turns Ugly

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    Riders, I think it would be fair to say most of our
    customers come to us for the perceived health
    benefits and stay for the quality and taste. We could
    have endless arguments about the health benefits of
    grain or grass-fed beef but again I don't think there is
    a "right" answer. I have customers that claim to have
    severe reactions to eating anything that was ever
    treated with antibiotic, others that have all kind of
    allergies that you have to cater to in terms of content
    of processed products like sausage. We have parents
    of kids that wouldn't eat beef until they tasted ours,
    I've a couple of customers who ate only wild game for
    years because they are afraid of the industrial method
    of meat production. Takes all kinds.

    BFW you say:
    "Whether grain or grass fed, the beef produced is
    essentially the same and accomplishes the same
    objective in the mind of the consumer."
    Many consumers would dispute that and their
    numbers are growing. Don't underestimate the
    sophistication of the consumer.

    As you say: "We built a grain fed industry because we
    had excess grain (now not so much) and ranchers
    who wished to dispose of their calves every fall."
    It was nothing to do with consumer demand or
    preference and I think that's always a dangerous road
    to go down. Perhaps with $8 corn and $6 barley it's
    time for the cattle industry to reconsider it's


      Meant to ask BFW, what is the feed only component of
      the cost of gain with $6 barley? cents per pound of


        To make a steak tender has alot of variables. Genetics is one.Age of animal..Type of feed and days on feed..How long it is hung after slaughter. Must have an even fat cover to hang 21 days..An finally how it is cooked... So if you want the best steak you must have all variable done right. But even if a couple of the first variables are not perfect and you do the rest right the steak can be very good yet.Efficency is another auguement..


          Now that this is settled.

          Blonde or brunet or red?

          I pick blonde.


            Could you tell the difference blindfolded? lol



              We are Very Blessed to have all the food we want/need... at some of the least cost vs. disposable income on earth... that is safe and healthy.

              Same argument goes for Organic vs. Conventional production of grain.

              AND now the choice to sell our grain in Western Canada to the folks who we appreciate and CHOOSE... of our own free will... to sell healthy and safe food.

              Cheers... Lucy and I had a good chuckle... we buy our beef from the local Wildrose Co-op... perhaps you could start a new brand and sell to them!


                Grassfarmer assuming $6/bu barley and a dry matter conversion of about 6-1 the feed only cost of a pound of gain for a good calf is around $.53-$.54 per pound gained. As for the other comment I believe the consumer is misinformed or at least confused by all the so called "facts" that the media so loosely puts out there.The public has become afraid of everything when it comes to the safety of food and it has gotten out of hand.


                  The public doesn't have much faith in the safety of their meat when they see pictures of 'feedlot alley' and animals up to their bellies in mud and feces.
                  Perhaps they should erect 12 foot high fences around them to keep reporters and organizations like PETA out.

                  If the public has their doubts about food safety it is no bloody wonder when you hear of the anti-biotic use as a matter of course in these feedlots.

                  Every time I buy a steak I wonder how many ccs of antibiotic are still lingering in the tissue and I come from a farm background and have raised cattle myself.


                    Thanks for that cost of feed information BFW.
                    As for consumer misinformation or confusion I think
                    we all suffer from information overload in this
                    internet world we live in. Its a genie that we can't put
                    back in the bottle and the days of us telling the
                    consumer that the product we produce are "good
                    enough" for them and they don't need to know any
                    more are firmly behind us.
                    I'm just surprised to see this kind of thinking by the
                    anti-CWB campaigners who put so much emphasis on
                    their ability and desire to make their own decisions
                    yet think the average consumer doesn't have the
                    ability to do the same.


                      All this talk of beef steak making me hungry again, so open to anyone what is the best sauce, spice etc. you tasted on your steak, roast or in your hamburger.


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