Seems the price of Soy is up and up and
all the rain did over the weekend is
keep what little farmers can harvest
Canola is down hard this morning. Must
be the excellent crop conditions that
are out their in western Canada.
On the 300 km drive I drove yesterday
back to regina their is one crop that
looks very good all along the drive. You
guessed it its HRS, Oh experts the
shitty one you didnt guess is Canola.
Keep killing the retarded sister of Soy.
Probably off to Calgary late this week
will be nice to see all the huge alberta
all the rain did over the weekend is
keep what little farmers can harvest
Canola is down hard this morning. Must
be the excellent crop conditions that
are out their in western Canada.
On the 300 km drive I drove yesterday
back to regina their is one crop that
looks very good all along the drive. You
guessed it its HRS, Oh experts the
shitty one you didnt guess is Canola.
Keep killing the retarded sister of Soy.
Probably off to Calgary late this week
will be nice to see all the huge alberta